Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Numerical Studies of Normal Conducting Deflecting Cavity Designs for the ELBE Accelerator

Hallilingaiah, T. G.; van Rienen, U.; Arnold, A.; Lehnert, U.; Michel, P.


Currently, in the electron linac ELBE there is a single beam line. Therefore, at any given time only single user can use the beam. Moreover, as different user experiments require distinct beam intensity settings, not all the experiments fully utilize the 13 MHz CW beam capability of the facility. To utilize the full beam capacity, multiple beam lines can be established by using an array of transverse deflecting structures. For that, an RF cavity was the design choice due to its inherent advantages with respect to repeatability of the kick voltage amplitude and phase, and the possibility of CW operation in the MHz range. Potential design candidates are the CEBAF RF separator, the three proposed crab cavities for the HL-LHC upgrade project, and a novel NC deflecting cavity design. In this comparative study, the figures of merit of the cavities are computed from electromagnetic field simulations for a transverse voltage of 300 kV. This comparative study supported our selection of the deflecting cavity design for ELBE.

Keywords: normal conducting; RF cavity; RF kicker; beam spreader

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