Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

An Introduction to the SPEC High Performance Group and their HPC Benchmark Suites

Juckeland, G.


The SPEC High-Performance Group (HPG) develops benchmarks that:

  • represent large, real applications, in scientific and technical computing,
  • use industry standard parallel application programming interfaces (APIs), OpenMP and MPI
  • support shared-memory and message passing programming paradigms,
  • can evaluate shared-memory computers, distributed-memory computers and workstation clusters as well as traditional massively parallel processor computers,
  • come in several data sets sizes (from a few minutes to days of execution time),
  • allow for certain hand optimizations of the codes (as opposed to compiler-only optimizations)
  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    ZKI Arbeitskreis Supercomputing Herbstreffen, 25.-26.09.2018, Freiburg, Deutschland


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