Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Simulation based Design for Recycling - Fairphone as an example

Reuter, M. A.


The limitations to materials flows from recycling in the circular economy are discussed using as a case a simulation-based analysis of the recyclability of the Fairphone 2. Three different recycling routes are analysed using simulation models that link the bill of materials and full material declarations to the final metal recovery via physical separation models. The recycling and recovery rates are depicted in an innovative recycling index and material flower that helps drive the discussion about the inevitable tradeoffs between the recyclability of different target materials and debunks the myth of a total recyclability of materials. Modular design is shown to have clear recycling as well as environmental advantages. This study is part of the SustainablySMART project.

Keywords: Circular Economy; Design for Recycling; Fairphone; Simulation; Recycling-Index

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Berliner Recycling- und Rohstoffkonferenz, 19.03.2018, Berlin, Deutschland


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