Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Helium and Neon ion based microscopy and nanofabrication

Hlawacek, G.


Gas field ion source (GFIS) based focused ion beam techniques historically also known as Helium Ion Microscopy (HIM) is recognized for its high resolution imaging and nanofabrication capabilities [1]. Over the last decade the tool has been utilized in many different ways. Applications include classical semiconductor materials, magnetic materials, 2D materials, nuclear materials but also biological materials.
I will introduce the technique and discusse the different instrumentation add ons we utilize and develop in our lab. This includes ionoluminescence [2], in-situ electrical probing [3], and in-situ irradiation at elevated temperatures. Finally, I want to present how we achieve a world record lateral resolution for backscatter spectrometry using time-of-flight [4]. On the materials science part I will present examples from our own lab covering the various application fields, including patterning of magnetic [5] and 2D materials [3] but also structural characterization of epitaxial metal layers [6]. The capability to investigate insulating or biological samples without compromising the performance of the machine will be presented in the second part [7]. This unique feature of the helium ion microscope is possible thanks to the use of an electron flood gun for charge compensation.

Keywords: HIM

Involved research facilities

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