Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

ns-laser driven magnetic phase transition in FeAl

Liedke, M. O.; Bali, R.; Gradauskaite, E.; Ehrler, J.; Wang, M.; Potzger, K.; Zhou, S.; Wagner, A.


FeAl alloys show temperature dependent magnetic phase transition (MPT) from a ferromagnetic disordered A2-phase to a paramagnetic ordered B2-phase. The B2-phase can be reversed back to the A2-phase, e.g, by ion irradiation. The most plausible explanation of MPT points in direction of the anti-site disorder (ASD), i.e., more Fe-Fe nearest neighbors due to disordering. However, variations of the lattice parameter, defects concentration, and secondary phases may play an important role, too. Here, we employ an excimer UV ns-laser to examine the role of ASD and defects onto magnetic properties. Three sample series with different initial order conditions were irradiated by several laser fluences: (i) as-grown semi-, (ii) Ne irradiated fully-disordered, and (iii) vacuum annealed ordered alloys. Two magnetic regimes were found depending on laser fluence: (i) in the low fluence range magnetization initially decreases, followed by (ii) subsequent monotonic increase for larger fluences. The positron annihilation spectroscopy measurements reveal changes of defects surrounding from Al- to Fe dominant, respectively, as well as of defects concentration. The results obtained by MOKE, VSM, AFM, and TEM will be discussed in detail.

Keywords: FeAl alloys; PAS; magnetic phase transition; ns-laser; anti-site disorder; positron annihilation spectroscopy

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