Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Noncentrosymmetric Superconductor BeAu

Amon, A.; Svanidze, E.; Cardoso, R.; Wilson, M. N.; Rosner, H.; Bobnar, M.; Schnelle, W.; Lynn, J. W.; Gumeniuk, R.; Hennig, C.; Luke, G. M.; Borrmann, H.; Leithe-Jasper, A.; Grin, Y.


Noncentrosymmetric superconductors have attracted tremendous research interest due to the possibility of mixed spin-singlet and spin-triplet pairing in these materials. In this work, physical properties of a noncentrosymmetric superconductor BeAu were investigated. It was established that BeAu undergoes a structural phase transition from a room-temperature noncentrosymmetric FeSi structure type to a high-temperature CsCl structure type at Ts = 860 K. The room-temperature modification exhibits a superconducting transition below Tc = 3.3 K. The values of lower (Hc1 = 32 Oe) and upper (Hc2 = 335 Oe) critical fields are rather small, confirming that this Type II (κG−L=2.3) weakly coupled (λe−p= 0. ∆ Ce/γnTc≈1.26) superconductor can be well understood within the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory. The muon spin relaxation analysis indicates that the time-reversal symmetry is preserved when the superconducting state is entered, supporting conventionalsuperconductivity in BeAu. From the density functional calculations, a considerable contribution of the Be electrons to the superconducting state was established. Moreover, on average, a rather small mass renormalization was found, consistent with the experimental data.

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