Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Status report of Super-SIMS for resource technology

Rugel, G.; Akhmadaliev, S.; Belokonov, G.; Böttger, R.; von Borany, J.; Gutzmer, J.; Kaever, P.; Meyer, M.; Noga, P.; Renno, A. D.; Scharf, A.; Tiessen, C. J.; Voigtländer, J.; Wagner, N.; Wiedenbeck, M.; Winter, A.; Wu, H. S.; Ziegenrücker, R.


The combination of an ion source with very good spatial resolution with a tandem accelerator is a long standing idea to improve the sensitivity by orders of magnitude [1-3]. Translating this idea to reality has its challenges [e.g. 4-6]. Having a strong focus on natural, metal, and mineral resources the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology installed such a system at the Ion Beam Centre at HZDR. This so-called Super-SIMS will be embedded into a system of consecutive micro-analytical methods devoted to the characterization of minerals and ores.
The secondary ion beam of the SIMS (CAMECA IMS 7f-auto) is injected into the pre-existing Dresden Accelerator Mass Spectrometry facility [7,8] which removes isobaric molecular signatures in the ion beam. The SIMS component remains as an autonomous analytical instrument with the additional option/advantage to inject the negative secondary ion beam at energies of up to 40 keV (to match the acceptance conditions) into the accelerator. A dedicated ion optical unit has been constructed and installed to focus the ion beam to the accelerator entrance.
First measurements of the performance parameters will be presented. We analyzed several matrices and mass ranges of isotopes like a P-doped Si-wafer, natural galena (PbS) and the elements between Ga and As in several natural and synthetic matrices.

[1] Purser et al. Surface and Interface Analysis 1(1), 1979, 12. [2] J. M. Anthony, D. J. Donahue, A. J. T. Jull, MRS Proceedings 69 (1986) 311-316. [3] S. Matteson, Mass Spectrom. Rev., 27 (2008) 470. [4] Ender et al. NIMB 123 (1997) 575. [5] Maden, PhD thesis, ETH Zurich 2003. [6] Fahey et al. Analytical Chemistry 88(14), 2016, 7145. [7] Akhmadaliev et al., NIMB 294 (2013) 5. [8] Rugel et al. NIMB 370 (2016) 94.

Keywords: Super-SIMS

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