Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

MicroTCA.4-based LLRF for the superconducting CW Linac ELBE – Status and Outlook

Kuntzsch, M.; Steinbrück, R.; Schurig, R.; Hierholzer, M.; Killenberg, M.; Schmidt, C.; Gümüs, C.; Butkowski, L.; Hoffmann, M.; Iatrou, C.; Rahm, J.; Rutkowski, I.; Grzegrzółka, M.


The superconducting linear accelerator ELBE is operated in continuous wave operation (CW). The analogue LLRF system, used since 2001, is going to be replaced by a digital solution based on µTCA.4. The new system enables a higher flexibility, better performance and more advanced diagnostics. The contribution will show the performance of the system at ELBE, the hardware and the software structure.
Further it will summarize the last steps to bring it into full user operation and give an outlook to the envisioned beam-based feedback system that will take advantage of the capabilities of the digital LLRF system.

Keywords: ELBE LLRF Feedback MicroTCA µTCA MTCA

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