Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Writing magnonic waveguides in Fe U+2076 U+2080 Al U+2084 U+2080 with a nano-sized ion beam

Osten, J.; Hula, T.; Wagner, K.; Xu, X.; Hlawacek, G.; Bali, R.; Potzger, K.; Lindner, J.; Fassbender, J.; Schultheiss, H.


The wave like excitation quanta of ferromagnets, called magnons, waves, the are promising candidates for spin transport in lateral devices. Fe60Al40films in the B2 phase are paramagnetic. Starting from a Fe60Al40film in the paramagnetic phase we use ion irradiation to randomize the site occupancies and, thereby, transform it into the chemically disordered, ferromagnetic A2 phase. To detect spin waves we employed micro-focus Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy (μBLS). Using a highly focused Ne+-ion beam He/Ne-Ion Microscope we create spatially well defined ferromagnetic A2-Fe60Al 40 spin-wave conduits of widths 2 and length 10 μm. One of the ferromagnetic conduit is surrounded by the paramagnetic B2- Fe60Al40. In addition, a freestanding 2 μm wide stripe has been prepared for comparison.
For the excitation of spin waves we processed a microwave antenna on top of these stripes. To investigate the spinwave propagation in the so called Damon-Eshbach geometry, an external magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the long edge of the ferromagnetic stripe. Measurements shows that spin wave spectra are influenced by the surrounding paramagnetic material due to a different internal field distribution.
Furthermore, we have also studied the fundamental transversal mode. Our findings where that the mode width for the embedded stripe was alway larger compared to the freestanding stripe. Surrounding a ferromagnetic conduit with a paramagnetic material, in materials exhibiting disorder-induced ferromagnetism, can be a way to tune spin-wave propagation.

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