Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Resource Analytics:An introduction into automated mineralogy and application on REE

Birtel, S.


An introduction into automated mineralogy and application on REE is an oral contribution to the Ist Workshop Goiano de Terras Raras in Catalo, Brasil which was oraginzed by the universidad de federal de Goias within the 'fact finding' Mission for a CLIENT II proposal. The workshop itself had ca 300 participants including the German and Brasilian delegations. The presentation is about the analytical facilites at HIF in particular MLA analytics, some technical background on MLA and case studies to demonstrate the application of MLA to specific challenges in ore and processiong product characterisation with focus on REE elements

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Ist Workshop Goiano de Terras Raras, 23.-25.05.2016, Catalao, Brazil


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