Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Shielding and activation studies for MYRRHA in critical and sub-critical mode

Ferrari, A.; Mueller, S.; Konheiser, J.


This work has been performed in the framework of the FP7 European project MAXSIMA (“Methodology, Analysis and eXperiments for the Safety In MYRRHA Assessment”), which has the goal to support the design of the accelerator-driven system MYRRHA (“Multi-purpose hYbrid Research Reactor for High-Tech Applications”) at SCK-CEN in Mol (Belgium), in view of the licensing of the facility.
The aim of the MAXSIMA Work Package 2 is to provide solid safety analyses for the Belgian safety authorities in view of the licensing process.
The main goal of the Task 2.1 is to support these analyses on one side by providing the needed neutronic parameters as input (see Deliverable D2.1), and on the other side by performing shielding and activation studies using the up-to-date MYRRHA core models.
These studies are the object of the present Deliverable, D2.2.

Keywords: Shielding; accelerator driven systems; MYRRHA; spallation sources

  • Other report
    Report for EU Commission: Deliverable D2.2 of the MAXSIMA EU Project, 2015
    496 Seiten


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