Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Atomic transport during solid-phase epitaxial recrystallization of amorphous germanium

Radek, M.; Bracht, H.; Johnson, B. C.; McCallum, J. C.; Posselt, M.; Liedke, B.


The atomic mixing of matrix atoms during solid-phase epitaxy (SPE) is studied by means of isotopically enriched germanium (Ge) multilayer structures that were amorphized by Ge ion implantation up to a depth of 1.5 micrometer. Recrystallization of the amorphous structure is performed at temperatures between 350 °C and 450 °C. Secondary-ion-mass-spectrometry is used to determine the concentration-depth profiles of the Ge isotope before and after SPE. An upper limit of 0.5 nm is deduced for the displacement length of the Ge matrix atoms by the SPE process. This small displacement length is consistent with theoretical models and atomistic simulations of SPE, indicating that the SPE mechanism consists of bond-switching with nearest-neighbours across the amorphous-crystalline (a/c) interface.

Keywords: solid-phase epitaxial recrystallization; Ge; atomic transport

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