Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Characterizing intra-exciton Coulomb scattering in terahertz excitations

Zybell, S.; Bhattacharyya, J.; Winnerl, S.; Eßer, F.; Helm, M.; Schneider, H.; Schneebeli, L.; Böttge, C. N.; Kira, M.; Koch, S. W.; Andrews, A. M.; Strasser, G.


An intense terahertz field is applied to excite semiconductor quantum wells yielding strong non-equilibrium exciton distributions. Even though the relaxation channels involve a complicated quantum kinetics of Coulomb and phonon effects, distinct relaxation signatures of Coulomb scattering are identified within time-resolved photoluminescence by comparing the experiment with a reduced model that contains all relevant microscopic processes. The analysis uncovers a unique time scale for the Coulomb scattering directly from experiments and reveals the influence of phonon relaxation as well as radiative decay.

Keywords: Exciton dynamics; GaAs quantum well; terahertz; intra-exciton transition; Coulomb scattering

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