Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Atomistic modeling of ion-beam induced processes in Si and Ge

Liedke, B.; Heinig, K.-H.; Böttger, R.; Anders, C.; Urbassek, H.; Facsko, S.; Posselt, M.


Modeling of ion-beam induced processes includes ion beam – solid interactions as well as solid state physics. Thus, a rather broad field of physics has to be considered which can be approached using a large variety of modeling techniques. Atomistic models of ion-induced materials modification can be classified as follows: (i) including the ion-induced collision cascade, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations provide the most accurate way to simulate a single or a few ion impacts. The predictive power of MD simulations depends on the accuracy of the interatomic potentials in the wide energy range from meV to keV. (ii) For energetic ions, with the Binary Collision Approximation (BCA) properties like the ion range can be predicted with similar precision like with MD, but thermally activated processes following the collision cascade cannot be simulated; (iii) kinetic Monte-Carlo (KMC) simulations can be used very efficiently and with an acceptable accuracy for modelling of diffusion, relaxation and precipitation of defects and impurities.
Here we will address all of three types of atomistic simulations: (i) With our recently developed TRIDER program, which unifies the BCA and KMC methods [1], low-energy irradiation of a-Si surface has been accurately simulated, in particular the rotation of self-organized surface ripples with the angle of ion incidence. (ii) The BCA, KMC and MD simulation methods have been employed to study the surface stability of Ge and Si under irradiation with heavy ion. [2]. KMC simulations show that the hole-like and sponge-like morphologies results from the vacancy kinetics. The origin of dot-like patterns after irradiation with poly-atomic ions or at elevated substrate temperatures has been revealed by a model based on TRIM and MD simulations: Single ion impacts induce tiny, short-living melt pools. Each meltpool generates a local surface minimization which leads, together with the high ion erosion rate, to a pronounce surface instability. (iii) Swift-heavy-ions change drastically the shape of spherical nanoparticles embedded in silica: Metal clusters become rods, whereas e.g. Ge clusters form to discs. [3]. A model has been developed which is based on transient melting of the nanoparticles by single ion hits, and the volume change of the metal/Ge upon this phase transition. Our KMC program has been modified to simulate the ion-induced shape evolution of different elements for different ion species, energies and fluences even quantitatively, where finally just one fit parameter describes all experiments.
1. Liedke, B.; Heinig, K.-H.; Möller, W.; Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 316, 56 (2013)
2. Böttger, R.; Heinig, K.-H.; Bischoff, L.; Liedke, B.; Facsko, S.; Appl. Phys. A 113, 53 (2013)
3. Schmidt, B.; Heinig, K.-H.; Mücklich, A.; Akhmadaliev,; Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 267, 1345 (2009)

Keywords: molecular dynamics; kinetic Monte-Carlo; TRIM; TRIDER; surface patterning; ion-beam shaping

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  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Swift Heavy ions in Materials Engineering and Characterization (SHIMEC 2014), 14.-17.10.2014, New Delhi, India


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