Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Status and Operating Experience of the ELBE RF System based on 10kW SSPAs

Büttig, H.; Arnold, A.; Büchner, A.; Justus, M.; Kuntsch, M.; Lehnert, U.; Michel, P.; Staats, G.; Teichert, J.; Schurig, R.


In January 2012 the 10 kW klystrons of the CW LINAC ELBE were replaced by pairs of 10kW solid state power amplifiers (SSPA).
The talk gives an overview on the SSPA based ELBE RF system. The experience gained during the first two years of operation is reviewed.

Keywords: SSPA; Solid State Power Amplifier; Superconducting Radio Frequency; Superconducting LINAC; RF-System for Particle Accelerators; 1.3GHz Power Aplifier

Involved research facilities

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  • Lecture (Conference)
    Continuous Wave and High Power RF Workshop 2014 (CWRF2014), 13.-16.05.2014, Trieste, Italy


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