Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Vorläufige Meßstellenliste technologischer Parameter für das behördliche Überwachungssystem des GosAtomNadsor am KKW Saporoshje, Block 5

Beyer, M.; Carl, H.; Langer, L.; Schumann, P.; Seidel, A.; Zschau, J.


In order to improve operational surveillance of a WWER-1000 unit of the Ukrainian nuclear power plant Zaporozh`ye a technical monitoring system has been specified. The system shall enable the state regulatory and supervisory bodies to survey the unit operation independently of operators, to assess its safety status, and to impose appopriate conditions. Based on the definition of safety functions and control tasks 49 different technological parameters are investigated and selected for monitoring. Technical specifications of these parameters at NPP Zaporozh`ye and derived alerts by crossing operational threshold values of single parameters and/or parameter combinations are described in the report.

  • Other report
    Fachbericht FWSF-19/93, September 1993


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