Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Thin layer studies at the material research goniometer of the ROBL-CRG beamline (ESRF Grenoble)

Eichhorn, F.; Matz, W.; Prokert, F.; Betzl, M.; Reichel, P.; Schell, N.


Thin layer studies at the material research goniometer of the ROBL-
CRG beamline (ESRF Grenoble)

F. Eichhorn, W.Matz, F.Prokert, M. Betzl, P. Reichel, N. Schell

Forschungszentrum Rossendorf,
Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research,
P.O.B. 510119, D - 01314 Dresden, Germany

The Forschungszentrum Rossendorf installed a collaborating research
group (CRG) beamline at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
(ESRF) in Grenoble. The main parts of the Rossendorf beamline (ROBL)
are the beam conditioning optics, a radiochemistry end-station for
the study of radioactive materials by X-ray absorption spectroscopy
and a materials research end-station mainly intended for structural
studies of solids and melts by diffractometry and reflectometry.
The synchrotron X-ray beam is monochromatised and focused by a
successive reflection and diffraction at a first mirror, a double-
crystal mono-chromator and a second mirror. The whole possible
energy range extends from 5 to 35 keV with an resolution Delta-E/E = 1E-4 - 1E-5. The beam divergence can be controlled by bending the second
crystal and the second mirror.
A six-circle goniometer is installed for materials research studies.
Two parallel circles (for the sample and the detector) each with
horizontal and vertical axes allow experiments in both scattering
planes. The sample can be adjusted by two additional axes. The
minimum angular step of all circles is 0.0001°. The sample position
can be equipped with an x-y-z slide. Of special interest to study
are structures in thin near-surface regions of solids as this is the
typical modification region for samples treated by ion beam
A survey about the experiments done so far will be given. As
examples of thin layer problems studied at this goniometer, in
detail it will be reported on phase transition studies of N
ionimplanted Ti-6Al-4V alloys in the paper of F. Berberich (this
school) and here on ...

  • Lecture (Conference)
    4th Autumn School on "X-ray scattering from surfaces and thin layers" Smolenice, Slovakia, 22.9. - 25.9.1999


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