Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

PIDID Collaboration - a multi-institutional approach to improve infrastructure for time resolved experiments at THz and X-ray FEL facilities

Gensch, M.; Seidel, W.; Stojanovic, N.; Laarmann, T.; Eng, L. M.; Winnerl, S.; Schneider, H.; Helm, M.; Hübers, H. W.; Heberle, J.


The broad spectral range spanning from THz to X-rays combined with pulse durations from the femtosecond (fs) to nanosecond (ps) regime provided by THz and X-ray FELs are in principal optimally suited to investigate the rich and complex physics occurring in photoinitiated processes in materials. Unfortunately, these experiments require often specific conditions (e.g. high pressure, cryogenic temperatures, nanoscale resolution or ultra high vacuum) that complicate the alignment and the diagnostic of temporal and spatial overlap and lead to unacceptably long preparation times. In order to overcome this problematic, scientific groups working in the field teamed up with experts from different 4th generation photon facilities to develop more suitable instrumentation and infrastructure. Concepts and first developments will be presented.

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