Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

ROCOM experiments on boron dilution conducted within the NRG/EdF Project – Scenario 2

Kliem, S.; Franz, R.


In the frame of the project ordered by NRG Petten (Purchase order: NRG-P2144963) experiments on two boron dilution scenarios have to be conducted at the ROCOM test facility.
Both scenarios are based on a hypothetical boron dilution accident following a SBLOCA in a PWR. A slug of unborated coolant has been accumulated in one of the loops. The re-established natural circulation drives the slug towards the reactor pressure vessel (RPV). In the vessel the slug mixes with the coolant of the downcomer and with the emergency core cooling water (ECC) which is injected into two other loops (Scenario 1) or into the loop with the slug (Scenario 2).
The boundary conditions on loop flow rates and temperature (density) differences are based on corresponding experiments at the PKL test facility operated by AREVA (Hertlein, 2003) and are described in the technical annex being a part of the project order (Kliem, 2010).
The well-proven wire-mesh sensor technology developed by HZDR over the last years is used to quantify the mixing of the slug and the ECC water on the way from the loops to the core inlet plane.
This report gives an overview about the ROCOM test facility and describes the experimental results on the second scenario. The results on the first scenario have been summarized in an earlier report (Kliem, 2011).

  • Article, self-published (no contribution to HZDR-Annual report)
    Forschungszentrum Rossendorf 2012
    58 Seiten
    ISSN: 2191-8708, eISSN: 2191-8716


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