Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Curium(III) speciation studies with cells of a groundwater strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens

Moll, H.; Lütke, L.; Barkleit, A.; Bernhard, G.


Ubiquitous Pseudomonads have great potential to influence the speciation and mobility of actinides in the environment. This study explores the unknown interaction between curium(III) and cell-suspensions of Pseudomonas fluorescens (CCUG 32456) isolated from the Äspö site, Sweden.
The interaction between curium(III) and P. fluorescens cells was studied at trace curium(III) concentrations (0.3 µM) using time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy. Extraction studies have shown that the biosorption of curium(III) is a reversible process. Two Cm3+-P. fluorescens (CCUG 32456) species could be identified, R-O-PO3H-Cm2+ and R-COO-Cm2+, having emission maxima at 599.6 and 601.9 nm, respectively. The corresponding surface complexation constants were determined to be log β111 = 12.7 ± 0.6 and log β110 = 6.1 ± 0.5, respectively.

Keywords: curium; Pseudomonas fluorescens; bacteria; fluorescence spectroscopy; TRLFS; complexation


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