Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

2 Publications

Modified SRF photoinjector for the ELBE at HZDR

Murcek, P.; Arnold, A.; Büttig, H.; Michel, P.; Teichert, J.; Xiang, R.; Kneisel, P.


The superconducting radio frequency photoinjector (SRF photoinjector) with Cs2Te cathode has been successfully
operated under the collaboration of HZB, DESY, HZDR, and MBI. In order to improve the gradient of the gun cavity and the beam quality, a new modified SRF gun (SRF-gun 2008) has been designed. The main updates of the new cavity design for the new photoinjector were published before (SRF09 Conference Berlin). This cavity is being fabricated in Jefferson Lab.
In this paper the new ideas of the further parts of the SRF-gun 2008 will be presented. The most important issue is the special design of half-cell and choke filter. The cathode cooler is also slightly changed, which simplifies the installation of the cathode cooler in the cavity. The next update is the separation of input and output of the liquid nitrogen supply, for the purpose of the stability of the nitrogen pressure as well as the better possibility of temperature measurement. Another key point is the implementation of the superconducting solenoid inside the cryomodule. The position of the solenoid can be accurately adjusted with two step motors, which are thermally isolated to the solenoid itself.

Keywords: Superconducting Radio Frequency; Photo Injector; Electron Source; Superconducting Cavity; Superconducting Solenoid; Cryomodule

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