Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

High-field magnetization study of a Tm2Co17 single crystal

Andreev, A. V.; Kuzmin, M. D.; Narumi, Y.; Skourski, Y.; Kudrevatykh, N. V.; Kindo, K.; de Boer, F. R.; Wosnitza, J.


Tm2Co17 is a ferrimagnet with TC = 1170 K and, at 4.2 K, has a spontaneous magnetic moment Ms =13.4 muB/ f.u. Magnetization curves were measured on a Tm2Co17 single crystal along the principal axes in pulsed magnetic fields up to 70 T at 4.2 K. The curve along the easy [001] direction exhibits a distinct anomaly at mu0Hcr = 39 T, where the magnetization exhibits a stepwise rise from Ms to Mflip = 40.6 muB/ f.u. The observed transition from the ferrimagnetic ground state (with Ms = 17muCo − 2muTm) to a saturated spin-flip state with parallel orientation of the sublattice moments and Mflip = 17muCo + 2muTm is unusual for 3d-4f intermetallics because it does not proceed via an intermediate angled-sublattice state. Rather, a collinear remagnetization of the Tm sublattice takes place: as the applied magnetic field grows, the Tm moments disorder at first, reaching a fully disordered paramagnetic state at H = Hcr, then they order magnetically in the opposite sense.

  • Physical Review B 81(2010), 134429


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