Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Low Emittance Polarized Electron Source Based on FZD Superconducting RF Gun

Xiang, R.; Arnold, A.; Michel, P.; Murcek, P.; Teichert, J.


The state-of-art DC guns with GaAs type photocathodes have been successfully operated as polarized electron sources for accelerators, but the beam emittance is regretfully very high because of the bunch
compressing after the gun. Though not all of the high energy physics experiments using polarized beams are sensitive to the source emittance, but a new source with lower emittance can simplify the injector
system and lower radiation load during the beam transport. Normal conducting rf gun can produce beams with low emittance, but the limit on vacuum is still an open question for the currently designed RF guns. In
this paper a new type of polarized source is reported: FZD polarized SRF gun, i.e. FZD superconducting rf gun with GaAs-type photocathode. The SRF gun is able to produce 1mA CW beam with 9.5MeV energy
and 1 mm mrad emittance. It has higher accelerating field and thus lower emittance than DC guns, at the same time much better vacuum condition than RF guns. Based on the successful running experience
in last two years, SRF gun applied with GaAs type cathode is considered as a promising alternative for current polarized guns. Some interesting questions will be discussed here, including the back bombardment
on cathode, cathode dielectric loss in strong RF field and the cathode time response.

Keywords: state of art DC guns; GaAs Type photocathodes; SRF gun

Involved research facilities

  • SRF Gun
  • Lecture (Conference)
    The XIIIth International Workshop on Polarized Sources, Targets & Polarimetry, 07.-11.09.2009, Ferrara, Italien


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