Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

2 Publications

A comparative study of actinide complexation in three ligand systems with increasing complexity

Jeanson, A.; Dahou, S.; Guillaumont, D.; Moisy, P.; Auwer, C. D.; Scheinost, A. C.; Hennig, C.; Vidaud, C.; Subra, G.; Solari, P. L.


The complexation of thorium, neptunium and plutonium at oxidation state +IV with three ligands of increasing complexity has been investigated. These ligands are relevant for bio inorganic systems. The first ligand is the small nitrilotriacetic acid that often play the role of protecting ligands against hydrolysis. EXAFS results for the Th to Pu series have been correlated to quantum chemical calculations and show an homogeneous behavior of the actinide at oxidation state +IV. For larger ligands, steric effects may become significant and one can ask how the ligand may accommodate the large actinide cation coordination sphere. Model pentapeptides have been synthesized and tested as complexing agents. Comparison with NTA shows that the molecular arrangements are radically different. The third ligand system is transferrin, a diferric metalloptrotein that is well known to coordinate a large variety of cations from transition metals of f-elements. Metalloproteins bear primary, secondary and tertiary structures that all play a crucial role in bonding. At a given oxidation state (+IV), but for various atomic numbers (Th, Np, Pu) EXAFS data at the cation LIII edge exhibit significant coordination discrepancies that are related to a changes in protein geometry. In that sense, the metalloprotein may be viewed as a complex system.

Keywords: EXAFS; actinoides; complexation; neptunium; thorium; plutonium


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