Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Simulating Strongly Coupled Plasmas on High-Performance Computers

Bussmann, M.; Schramm, U.; Thirolf, P.; Habs, D.


Simulating strongly coupled plasmas is a demanding computational task. When a plasma is strongly coupled, the mutual Coulomb energy between the plasma particles is much stronger than their kinetic energy. Such a system can undergo a phase transition into a state in which long-range ordering of the plasma constituents can be observed. In a realistic simulation of the plasma dynamics one has to compute the total mutual interaction of each particle with each other particle for particle numbers up to hundred thousand particles. To study the microscopic and macroscopic dynamics of the plasma on a long time scale one thus has to rely on the computational power which is only available at supercomputing centers such as the Leibniz Rechenzentrum.

Keywords: strong coupling; plasma; ocp; one-component plasma; simulation; molecular dynamics; checker-board algorithm; laser cooling; particle; highly-charged ion; hci; cooling; stopping

  • Contribution to proceedings
    HLRB, KONWIHR and Linux-Cluster Review and Results Workshop, 08.-09.12.2009, Garching, Germany


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