Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

The use of Th in HTR: state of the art and implementation in Th/Pu fuel cycles

Mazzini, G.; Bomboni, E.; Cerullo, N.; Fridman, E.; Lomonaco, G.; Shwageraus, E.


Nowadays nuclear power is the only greenhouse-free source that can contribute appreciably to the solution of the increasing world-wide energy demand problem. The use of Thorium in the nuclear energy production may offer some unique advantages to accomplish this task. Extensive research and development on the thorium fuel cycle has been conducted in many countries around the world. Starting from the current nuclear waste policy as well as from the (V)HTR good capabilities of Pu burning, the EU PUMA project focus on core physics investigations, in order to further demonstrate the potential benefits of using the HTR core as a Pu/MA transmuter. In this paper the following aspects have been analyzed:

– The state of art about the studies focusing on the use of Th in different core concepts
– The use of Th in HTRs, with a particular emphasis on Th-Pu fuel cycles
– An original assessment of Th-Pu fuel cycles in HTR, on the basis, the energy produced totally, per initial Pu and the ratio between discharged and loaded Pu mass
Some aspects related to Thorium exploitation were outlined, with a particular emphasis on its suitability for working in pebble-bed HTR as a fertile element in a Th-Pu fuel cycle, that is a promising kind of fuel considered in the framework of the EU PUMA project. Particularly, the influence of the Th/Pu weight fraction at BOC in a typical HTR pebble was analyzed as far as the reactivity trend vs. burn-up, the energy produced per Pu unit mass, and the Pu isotopic composition at EOC are concerned. The obtained results suggest us that there is not a best composition for the PBMR Pu/Th fuel. However deeper investigations need to be performed in order to draw final conclusions. Thus, at the moment it is possible to state that some optimized Th percentage in the initial Pu/Th fuel could be suggested on the basis of the aim we are trying to reach.

  • Open Access Logo Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations 2009(2009), 749736



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