Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Laser-driven Electron Acceleration in Plasmas with Few-Cycle Pulses

Veisz, L.; Schmid, K.; Tavella, F.; Benavides, S.; Tautz, R.; Herrmann, D.; Buck, A.; Hidding, B.; Marcinkevicius, A.; Schramm, U.; Geissler, M.; Meyer-Ter-Vehn, J.; Habs, D.; Krausz, F.


We report on laser-driven electron acceleration with 8 fs -three optical cycle- long pulses and only 40 mJ energy. This situation constitutes an ideal parameter range for laser wake-¯eld acceleration as prophesied by theory and numerical simulations, which was experimentally not explored before. The produced electron spectra are monoenergetic with a peak in the tens-of-MeV range -up to 50 MeV- and free of low-energy electrons with thermal spectrum. The electron beam has a typical divergence of 5 - 10 mrad. The accelerator is routinely operated at 10 Hz and correspondingly it is a promising source for several applications.

Keywords: bubble regime; bubble; monoenergetic; electron acceleration; ultrashort; few-cycle; laser; laser plasma

  • Comptes Rendus Physique 10(2009)2-3, 140-147


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