Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Cluster dynamics study of the binary systems in neutron irradiated iron alloys

Gokhman, A.; Bergner, F.; Birkenheuer, U.


Two binary systems are studied in neutron irradiated alloys by cluster dynamics. They are the coupling copper-vacancy system in high content copper-iron alloy and VVER steel and vacancy-interstitial system in commercial pure iron. It is found that the kinetics of copper rich precipitates under neutron irradiation is described correct if they are considered as the sinks as well as emitters of the single vacancies. Long-time behavior of the free vacancies, free interstitials and vacancies clusters and interstitial clusters in pure iron under neutron irradiation is governed by the surface limited regime of kinetics.

Keywords: Cluster dynamics; High copper-iron alloy; pure iron; Neutron irradiation

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Workshop Nucleation Theory and Applications, 12.-20.04.2008, Dubna, Russia


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