Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Space Dependence of Reactivity Parameters on Reactor Dynamic Perturbation Measurements

Maletti, R.; Ziegenbein, D.


Practical application of reactor-dynamic perturbation measurements for on-power determination of differential reactivity weight of control rods and power coefficient of reactivity has shown a significant dependence of parameters on the position of outcore detectors. The space dependence of neutron flux signal in the core of a VVER-440-type reactor was measured by means of 60 self-powered neutron detectors. The greatest neutron flux alterations are located close to moved control rods and in height of the perturbation position. By means of computations detector positions can be found in the core in which the one-point model is almost valid.

Keywords: Reactor-dynamic measurements; reactivity parameters; neutron flux behaviour; space dependence

  • Contribution to proceedings
    IAEA/NPPCI Specialists' Meeting on "New Instrumentation of Water Cooled Reactors", 23.-25.04.1985, Dresden, DDR
    Space Dependence of Reactivity Parameters on Reactor Dynamic Perturbation Measurements


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