Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Quasiparticle Model of Quark-Gluon Plasma at Imaginary Chemical Potential

Bluhm, M.; Kämpfer, B.


A quasiparticle model of the quark-gluon plasma is compared with lattice QCD data for purely imaginary chemical potential. Net quark number density, susceptibility as well as the deconfinement border line in the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter are investigated. In addition, the impact of baryo-chemical potential dependent quasiparticle masses is discussed. This accomplishes a direct test of the model for non-zero baryon density. The found results are compared with lattice QCD data for real chemical potential by means of analytic continuation and with a different (independent) set of lattice QCD data at zero chemical potential.

Keywords: quasiparticle model; imaginary chemical potential

  • Physical Review D 77(2008), 034004


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