Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Frozen local hole approximation

Pahl, E.; Birkenheuer, U.


The frozen local hole approximation (FLHA) is an adiabatic approximation which is aimed to simplify the correlation calculations of valence and conduction bands of solids and polymers or, more generally, of the ionization potentials and electron affinities of any large system. In this work we address the question to which extent it is possible to simplify a correlation calculation on electron hole states by focusing on so-called "frozen" local hole configurations although, in reality, the electron hole is usually delocalized over the entire system.

Keywords: electronic structure; quantum chemistry; electron correlation; local correlation methods; frozen local hole approximation; Li and H2 chains

  • Contribution to external collection
    J.-M. Rost, S. Flach, U. Gneise: MPI for the Physics of Complex Systems: Scientific Report 2005-2006, Dresden: MPI-PKS, 2007, 81-86


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