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Tc and Re labelling of biomolecules according to the "4+1" mixed-ligand approach: Switching from Diagnostic to Therapeutic Radiopharmaceuticals

Pietzsch, H.-J.; Schiller, E.; Seifert, S.; Künstler, J.-U.; Spies, H.

  • Eingeladener Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    2nd Research Co-ordination Meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency's Co-ordinated Research Project on "Development of 99mTc based Small Bio Molecules Using Novel 99mTc Cores", 5.-13.02.2004, Wien, Austria


Spectator detection for the measurement of proton-neutron interactions at ANKE

Lehmann, I.; Barsov, S.; Schleichert, R.; Wilkin, C.; Drochner, M.; Hartmann, M.; Hejny, V.; Merzliakov, S.; Mikirtychiante, S.; Mussgiller, M.; Protic, D.; Stroher, H.; Trusov, S.; Wustner, P.


A telescope of three silicon detectors has been installed close to the internal target position of the ANKE spectrometer, which is situated inside the ultra-high vacuum of the COSYJulich light-ion storage ring. The detection and identification of slow protons and deuterons emerging from a deuterium cluster-jet target thus becomes feasible. A good measurement of the energy and angle of such a spectator proton (p(sp)) allows one to identify a reaction as having taken place on the neutron in the target and then to determine the kinematical variables of the ion-neutron system on an event-by-event basis over a range of c.m. energies.The system has been successfully tested under laboratory conditions. By measuring the spectator proton in the pd-->p(sp)dpi(0) reaction in coincidence with a fast deuteron in the ANKE Forward Detector, values of the pn-->dpi(0) total cross-section have been deduced. Further applications of the telescope include the determination of the luminosity and ! beam polarisation which are required for several experiments.

  • Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 530(2004)3, 275-285


ρ-ω splitting and mixing in nuclear matter

Zschocke, S.; Kämpfer, B.


We investigate the splitting and mixing of ρ and ω mesons in nuclear matter. The calculations were performed on the basis of QCD sum rules and include all operators up to mass dimension-6 twist-4 and up to first order in the coupling constants. Special attention is devoted to the impact of the scalar four-quark condensates on both effects. In nuclear matter the Landau damping governs the ρ-ω mass splitting while the scalar four-quark condensates govern the strength of individual mass shifts. A strong in-medium mass splitting causes the disappearance of the ρ-ω mixing.

  • Physical Review C 70(2004), 035207


Quadrupole moments and g factors for high-spin neutron isomers in Pb-193

Ionescu-Bujor, M.; Iordachescu, A.; Balabanski, D. L.; Chmel, S.; Neyens, G.; Baldsiefen, G.; Bazzacco, D.; Brandolini, F.; Bucurescu, D.; Danchev, M.; de Poli, M.; Georgiev, G.; Grogen, A.; Haas, H.; Hubel, H.; Ilie, G.; Marginean, N.; Menegazzo, R.; Pavan, P.; Rainovski, G.; Ribas, R. V.; Alvarez, C. R.; Ur, C. A.; Vyvey, K.; Frauendorf, S.


The g factors and quadrupole moments of the 21/2(-) and 33/2(+) isomers in Pb-193 have been measured by the time-differential perturbed gamma-ray angular distribution method as g(21/2(-))=-0.059(11), \Q(21/2(-))\=0.22(2) eb and g(33/2(+))=-0.171(9), parallel toQ(33/2(+))\=0.45(4) eb. The results support the three-neutron configurations (1i(13/2))(12)(+2)x3p(3/2) and (1i(13/2))(3) for the 21/2(-) and 33/2(+) states, respectively. The quadrupole moment of the 12(+) isomer in Pb-194 described by the two-neutron (1i(13/2))(2) configuration has been remeasured as \Q(12(+))\=0.48(3) eb in perfect agreement with the previous data. The experimental results are discussed within a microscopic Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer approach in a number-projected one- and three-quasiparticle neutron space, and in the frame of the pairing plus quadrupole tilted-axis cranking model.

  • Physical Review C 7003(2004), 4305


Simulationsrechnungen zur Validierung des Monte Carlo Codes FLUKA für de Vorhersage der bei Tumorbestrahlungen mit Ionen erzeugten β+-Aktivität

Sommerer, F.; Enghardt, W.; Parodi, K.; Poljanc, K.; Aiginger, H.


Contribution to 54. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft

  • Beitrag zu Proceedings
    Contribution to 54. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Linz, Austria, 28-30


Positronenemissionstomographie in der Therapie mit Kohlenstoffionen und Validierung des FLUKA Monte Carlo Codes für die Vorhersage der bei Tumorbestrahlungen mit Ionen erzeugten β+-Aktivität

Poljanc, K.; Sommerer, F.; Parodi, K.; Aiginger, H.; Enghardt, W.

  • Beitrag zu Proceedings
    ÖGMP Annual Meeting, Wiener Neustadt, 04.-05.06.2004, Wiener Neustadt, Austria
    Abstract of the ÖGMP Annual Meeting


The FLUKA code: new developments and application to 1 GeV/n Iron beams

Aiginger, H.; Andersen, V.; Ballarini, F.; Battistoni, G.; Campanella, M.; Carboni, M.; Cerutti, F.; Empl, A.; Enghardt, W.; Fassò, A.; Ferrari, A. C.; Gadioli, E.; Garzelli, M. V.; Lee, K. S.; Ottolenghi, A.; Parodi, K.; Pelliccioni, M.; Pinsky, L.; Ranft, J.; Roesler, S.; Sala, P. R.; Sacannicchio, D.; Smirnov, G.; Sommerer, F.; Wilson, T.; Zapp, N.


The modelling of ion transport and interactions in matter is a subject of growing interest, driven by the multiplication of applicaton fields. These include hadron therapy, dosimetry, and space missions, but there are also several fundamental research, accelerator physics, and cosmic ray physics issues where a reliable description of heavy ion induced cascades is important. In the present work, the capabilities of the FLUKA code for ion beams will be briefly recalled and some recent developments presented. Applications of the code to the simulation of therapeutic carbon, nitrogen and oxygen ion beams, and of iron beams, which are of direct interest for space mission related experiments, will be also presented, together with interesting consideration about the evaluation of dosimetric quantities. Both applications involve ion beams in the AGeV range.

  • Advances in Space Research 35(2005)2, 214-222


Investigation of acoustic waves generated in an elastic solid by a pulsed ion beam and their application in a FIB based scanning ion acoustic microscope

Akhmadaliev, C.


The rapid growth of the microelectronics industry in the last decades made it possible to produce structures in the sub-micrometer scale on silicon chips and to reach an integration scale under 100 nm. Decreasing the size and increasing the complexity of these structures make a control of quality and defects investigation more difficult. During a long time ultrasound devices are being used for nondestructive investigation of materials, like ultrasound microscopes, scanning photo-acoustic microscopes or scanning electron-acoustic microscopes, where acoustic waves are generated by acoustic transducers, focused laser or electron beams, respectively.
The aim of this work is to investigate more precisely the acoustic wave generation by pulsed and periodically modulated ion beams in different solid materials depending on the beam parameters and to demonstrate the possibility to apply an intensity modulated focused ion beam (FIB) for acoustic emission and for nondestructive investigation of the internal structure of materials on a microscopic scale. The combination of a FIB and an ultrasound microscope in one device can provide the opportunity of nondestructive investigation, production and modification of micro- and nanostructures simultaneously. The FIB spot size in modern systems is comparable with that of a focused electron beam and the penetration depth of ions with energy of 20-60 keV is lower than 100 nm. This makes it possible to reach a sub-micrometer resolution of a scanning ion acoustic microscope. On the other hand side a FIB with energy of 20-60 keV is a good tool which can be used for the fabrication of nanostructures using ion milling, implantation or ion beam assisted deposition techniques.
The bulk ultrasound emission in a solid was investigated using a pulsed high energy ion beam focused on aluminum, copper, iron and silicon samples. Oxygen, silicon and gold ion beams were applied in charge states from 1+ to 4+ with the pulse duration of 0.5 - 4 µs and an energy of 1.5 - 10 MeV. Intensity of the detected acoustic waves shows a linear dependence on the energy of the incident ions, on the ion flux as well as on the pulse duration. No influence of the ion charge and ion mass to the emission of acoustic waves was observed.
The ion acoustic effect was applied for a nondestructive material inspection using intensity modulated FIB providing by the IMSA-100 FIB system with an accelerating potential of 30-35 kV. The achieved lateral resolution of this scanning ion acoustic microscope is in the micrometer range depending on the sample material and the beam modulation frequency. The resolution can be improved by increasing the frequency. The maximal modulation frequency which was obtained at IMSA-100 is about 2 MHz corresponding to lateral resolution of 4-5 µm on silicon. Using this microscope, some images of integrated microstructures on a silicon chip were obtained using the lock-in technique for filtering of the signal from the noise and increasing of the total imaging time. The possibility to visualize near sub-surface structure was demonstrated. Due to the strong sputtering effect and the long time of irradiation the imaged structures were significantly damaged. Si2+, Ge2+, Ga+ and Au+ ions were used. All these ions are quite heavy and have high sputtering coefficients. Long-time imaging improves the quality of acoustic images, i. e. the signal-to-noise ratio is reduced with the square root from the pixel time, but leads to significant erosion of the imaged structure.

Keywords: acoustic microscopy; nondestructive investigation; scanning ion acoustic microscope; focused ion beam; ion acoustic effect in solids

  • Open Access Logo Wissenschaftlich-Technische Berichte / Forschungszentrum Rossendorf; FZR-416 2004
    ISSN: 1437-322X



Gold and Palladium Nanoclusters Formed by Cells and S-Layer of Bacillus Spaericus JG-A12 Spectroscopic Studies

Merroun, M.

  • Sonstiger Vortrag
    SMWK Projekttreffen an der Technischen Universität Dresden, 21.10.2004, Dresden, Germany


Abtrennung von Uran aus wässriger Lösung durch Calix[6]arene mittels Flüssig-Flüssig-Extraktion sowie Festphasen-Extraktion

Schmeide, K.; Geipel, G.; Bernhard, G.


Die Uranspeziation in ausgewählten Sicker- und Grubenwässern des ehemaligen Uranbergbaus wurde mittels spektroskopischer Methoden (TRLFS, LIPAS) untersucht. Deren Kenntnis in Abhängigkeit vom pH-Wert ermöglicht die Optimierung der Uranabtrennung mittels uranophiler Calixarene. Mittels Flüssig-Flüssig-Extraktion wurde gezeigt, dass COOH-derivatisierte Calix[6]arene als effektive Extraktionsmittel für die selektive Uranylabtrennung aus umweltrelevanten Wässern bei pH-Werten größer 4 geeignet sind und für Praxisanwendungen eingesetzt werden können. Extraktionskonstanten wurden bestimmt. Die durch Fixierung dieser Calixarenderivate auf Polyester dargestellten calixarenmodifizierten Vliese sind in der Lage Uranylionen aus synthetischen Grubenwässern in Anwesenheit von Konkurrenzionen abzutrennen. Die Untersuchungen zur Reversibilität der Uranbindung an calixarenausgerüsteten Polyestervliesen haben gezeigt, dass eine fast vollständige Regenerierung der calixarenmodifizierten Vliese mittels verdünnter Mineralsäuren möglich ist. Die regenerierten textilen Filtermaterialien können für weitere Uranabtrennungszyklen eingesetzt werden. Nach Auswahl geeigneter Calixarenderivate ist eine Übertragung des entwickelten Abtrennungsprinzipes auf weitere Actinide (z. B. Np, Pu) bzw. Schwermetall-Kontaminanten (z. B. As, Cd, Pb) möglich.

Keywords: Uran; Calixarene; Extraktion; Textile Filter; Komplexierung; Sanierung; Abwasser

  • Open Access Logo Wissenschaftlich-Technische Berichte, Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, FZR-414 2004
    ISSN: 1437-322X



Level scheme of Mo-94 at high angular momentum

Zhang, Y. H.; Liu, M. L.; de Angelis, G.; Podolyàk, Z.; Guo, W. T.; Gadea, A.; Ur, C.; Marginean, N.; Rusu, C.; Schwengner, R.; Napoli, D. R.; Menegazzo, R.; Lunardi, S.; Bazzacco, D.; Martinez, T.; Axiotis, M.; Gargano, A.; Lenzi, S.; Brandolini, F.; von Oertzen, W.


High-spin level structure of Mo-94 has been re-investigated using the modem multidetector array of GASP via the O-16(Se-82, 4ngamma)Mo-94 reaction at E(Se-82) = 459 MeV. The previously reported level scheme has been largely modified up to similar to 10 MeV in excitation energy due to identifications of some important linking transitions. The level structure of Mo-94 has been compared with the shell model calculations. It is suggested that the valence neutron excitation within d(5/2), g(7/2), and h(11/2) orbitals should be taken into account in order to adequately describe the high-spin level structure of Mo-94 above I-pi = 14(+).

  • High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics - Chinese Edition 28(2004)9, 941-946


Experimental Study on the Feasibility of In-Beam PET for Accurate Monitoring of Proton Therapy

Parodi, K.; Pönisch, F.; Enghardt, W.


Positron emission tomography is currently the only feasible method for in-situ and non-invasive 3D monitoring of the precision of the treatment in highly conformal ion therapy. Its positive clinical impact has been proven for fractionated carbon ion therapy of head and neck tumours at the experimental facility at the Gesellschaft f"ur Schwerionenforschung Darmstadt, Germany. Following previous promising experiments, the possible extension of the method to the monitoring of proton therapy has been investigated further in extensive in-beam measurements at GSI. Millimetre accuracy for verification of the lateral field position and for the most challenging issue of range monitoring has been demonstrated in mono-energetic and spread-out Bragg-peak proton irradiation of PMMA targets. The irradiation of an inhomogeneous phantom with tissue equivalent inserts in combination with further dynamic analysis has supported the extension of such millimetre precision to real clinical cases, at least in regions of interest for low perfused tissues. All the experimental investigations have been reproduced by the developed modeling rather well. This indicates the possible extraction of valuable clinical information as particle range in-vivo, irradiation field position and even local deviations from the dose prescription on the basis of the comparison between measured and predicted activity distributions. Hence, the clinical feasibility of in-beam PET for proton therapy monitoring is strongly supported.

  • IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 52(2005)3, 778-786


The QCD equation of state near T_0 within a quasi-particle model

Bluhm, M.; Kampfer, B.; Soff, G.


We present a description of the equation of state of strongly interacting matter within a quasi-particle model.
The model is adjusted to lattice QCD data near T0 at non-vanishing baryon density. We compare in detail the excess pressure and its expansion coefficients available from two-flavor lattice QCD calculations and outline prospects of the extrapolation to large baryon density.

Keywords: Equation of state; Strongly interacting matter; Lattice QCD

  • Physics Letters B 620(2005),131-136


Berührungslose Messung von Phasen- und Konzentrationsverteilungen in Blasensäulen mit positronenemittierenden Radionukliden

Zippe, C.; Hoppe, D.; Fietz, J.; Hampel, U.; Hensel, F.; Mäding, P.; Prasser, H.-M.; Zippe, W.


Die Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET) ist eine etablierte Untersuchungsmethode in der Medizin. Das vorgestellte Projekt beschäftigt sich mit einer nichtmedizinischen Anwendung dieses bildgebenden Verfahrens – dem Aufbau und der Anwendung eines PET-Tomographen zur Untersuchung des Verhaltens von Schaum in Blasensäulen. Am Beispiel von Natriumcapronat als schwaches Tensid, das einen feuchten, instabiler Schaum erzeugt, wird gezeigt, dass sich die Anreicherung eines Tensids in einer Schaumschicht mit der Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie nachweisen lässt.

Keywords: PET; Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie; Blasensäule; Schaum; Chemiereaktor; Tensid; Anreicherung

  • Poster
    2. DECHEMA/GVC VDI-Symposium "Schäume - Grundlagen und Anwendungen", 16.-17.11.2004, Baden-Baden


High-fluence Si-implanted diamond: optimum implantation temperature for SiC formation

Weishart, H.; Eichhorn, F.; Heera, V.; Pécz, B.; Barna, Á.; Skorupa, W.


In this paper we investigate the effect of implantation temperature on the structural properties of diamond implanted with high fluences of Si between 5.3 ´ 1017 Si cm-2 and 1 ´ 1018 Si cm-2. In order to reduce radiation-induced damage and to enhance SiC formation the implantations were performed at elevated temperatures in the range from 900 °C to 1200 °C. Subsequently, all samples were annealed for 10 minutes at 1500 °C in an rf-heated furnace. X-ray diffraction revealed the formation of cubic SiC nanocrystallites in a buried layer inside the implanted diamond. The implantation-induced damage was assessed by analyzing graphitization of the surface-near layer using Raman spectroscopy. With increasing Si fluence the implantation-induced damage rises and the nearly perfect alignment of the formed SiC crystallites within the host diamond lattice deteriorates. However, rising the implantation temperature from 900 °C to 1000 °C reduces the damage in the diamond and increases amount, size and epitaxial alignment of the crystalline SiC precipitates. Further increase of the implantation temperature gives no improvement in the quality of the SiC rich layer. Instead, the damaged diamond converts into graphite and the formation of SiC crystallites is obstructed.

Keywords: Ion implantation; thin films; Heterostructures; structure and nonelectronic properties; Ion radiation effects

  • Journal of Applied Physics 98(2005), 043503.


Positronen Emissions Tomographie zur in vivo Charakterisierung neuer Substanzen

Bergmann, R.

  • Sonstiger Vortrag
    Institutskolloquium, Max-Bergmann- Zentrum, 22.10.2004, Dresden, Germany


In vivo Biochemie mit PET

Bergmann, R.

  • Sonstiger Vortrag
    Institutsseminar, Technische Universität Dresden, 26.10.2004, Dresden, Germany


Angular distribution and azimuthal asymmetry for pentaquark production in proton-proton collisions

Barz, H.-W.; Zetenyi, M.


Angular distributions for production of the Theta+ pentaquark are calculated for the collisions of polarized protons with polarized target protons. We compare calculations based on different assumptions concerning spin and parity (J=1/2+/-,3/2+/-) of the Theta+ state.
For a wide class of interactions the spin correlation parameters describing the asymmetric angular distributions are calculated up to 250 MeV above production threshold. The deviations from the near threshold behavior are investigated.

  • Physical Review C 71(2005), 065207


High-spin states and band terminations in 69As

Stefanescu, I.; Eberth, J.; Gersch, G.; Steinhardt, T.; Thelen, O.; Warr, N.; Weisshaar, D.; Carlsson, B. G.; Ragnarsson, I.; de Angelis, G.; Martinez, T.; Jungclaus, A.; Schwengner, R.; Lieb, K. P.; Stefanova, E.; Curien, D.


Excited levels in 69As were studied using the 40Ca(32S, 3p)69 As reaction at 95 and 105 MeV beam energy. Gamma rays were detected with the EUROBALL spectrometer operated in conjunction with the Neutron Wall and the charged-particle detector array EUCLIDES. New level sequences with positive and negative paity were identified from 3p-γγ and γγγ coincidences. Spins were assigned to many of the levels on the basis of directional correlations of oriented states measurements. The previously observed positive-parity band was extended to spin 45/2+ and it was found to exhibit a crossing with another configuration identified up to spin 53/2+. Three negative-parity bands were observed for the first time up to spins (43/2-), 39/2-, and (41/2-). The previously known band was extended to spin (49/2-). No evidence for superdeformation was found, despite very high counting statistics. Configurations were assigned to each of the observed bands through comparisons to the cranked Nilsson-Strutunsky calculations.


Phase composition and properties of iron nanocrystals and clusters embedded in MgO matrix

Schneeweiss, O.; Pizurova, N.; Jiraskova, Y.; Zak, T.; Bezdicka, P.; Reuther, H.


Phase composition of the Mg-Fe powder prepared by spark erosion is investigated using Mossbauer spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. The results are compared with the phase analysis of MgO single crystal wafer implanted by Fe-57.

  • Hyperfine Interactions 156(2004), 81-87


Mixed-Ligand Rhenium-188 Complexes with Tetradentate/Monodentate NS3/P (‘4+1’) Coordination: Relation of structure with antioxidation stability

Schiller, E.; Seifert, S.; Tisato, F.; Refosco, F.; Bolzati, C.; Kraus, W.; Spies, H.; Pietzsch, H.-J.


Development of new radiopharmaceuticals based on rhenium-188 depends on finding appropriate ligands able to give complexes with high in vivo stability. Rhenium(III) mixed-ligand complexes with tetradentate/monodentate (‘4 + 1’) coordination of the general formula [Re(NS3)(PRR’R’’)] (NS3 = tris-(2-mercaptoethyl)amine and derivatives thereof, PRR’R’’ = phosphorus(III) ligands) appear to be among the promising tools to achieve this goal. According to this approach, we synthesized and characterized series of rhenium model complexes. In vitro stabilities of the corresponding rhenium-188 complexes were determined by incubating 2-3 MBq or alternatively 37 MBq of the complexes in phosphate buffer, human plasma and rat plasma, respectively, at 22 °C or 37 °C, followed by checking the amount of 188ReO4 - formed after 1 h , 24 h and 48 h by thin-layer chromatography. The rate of perrhenate formation varied over a wide range, depending primarily on the nature of the phosphorus(III) ligand. Physicochemical parameters of the corresponding nonradioactive rhenium complexes were analyzed in detail to find out the factors influencing their different stability and furthermore to design new substitution-inert ‘4 + 1’ complexes. Tolman’s cone angle of phosphorus(III) ligands and the lipophilic character of the inner coordination sphere were found to be crucial factors to build up stable rhenium ‘4 + 1’ complexes. Additional information useful to describe electronic and steric properties of these compounds were selected from electronic spectra (wavelength of the Re→S charge-transfer band), cyclovoltammetric measurements (E° of the ReIII/ReIV couple), and NMR investigations (31P chemical shift of coordinated P(III) ligands).

  • Bioconjugate Chemistry 16(2005), 634-643


Design and performance of a high-resolution gamma tomography device

Bieberle, A.; Hampel, U.; Schleicher, E.; Hoppe, D.; Prasser, H.-M.; Sühnel, T.; Zippe, C.


We introduce and discuss the design and performance of a new high-resolution gamma ray tomography device that has been built for the measurement and visualisation of quasi-stationary flow structures in hydrodynamic machines and of gas fraction distributions in thermohydraulic facilities. The gamma tomography system can be operated either with a Cs-137 or a Co-60 source, which allows measurements in radiologically dense enclosures, such as pressure vessels, chemical reactors, or hydrodynamic machines. The detector arc is made of 320 small scintillation detector elements comprising LYSO scintillation crystals with an active area of 2 mm x 8 mm and large area avalanche photodiodes coupled to the crystals. For the photodiode read-out we developed a special charge sensitive pre-amplifier electronics based on a monolithic IC amplifier. This preamplifier stage is followed by pulse shaping and energy discrimination electronics. Data is acquired by fully parallel pulse counting with energy discrimination. For tomographic image reconstruction we implemented a set of analytic and iterative image reconstruction algorithms including filtered backprojection, ART, MART, and SIRT. In the presentation we will especially discuss the performance of the system with regard to density resolution and spatial resolution.

Keywords: high-resolution gamma ray tomography device; measurement; scintillator; avalanche photodiode; visualisation of quasi-stationary flow structures; tomographic sensor design

  • Beitrag zu Proceedings
    4th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, 05.09.-08.09.2005, Aizu, Japan


Structural studies on ion implanted semiconductors using x-ray synchrotron radiation: strain evolution and growth of nanocrystals

Eichhorn, F.; Gaca, J.; Heera, V.; Schell, N.; Turos, A.; Weishart, H.; Wojcik, M.


X-ray synchrotron radiation is a very powerful tool in structural analysis of solids. Due to its extremely high intensity and low angular divergence synchrotron radiation allows the study of structures that otherwise are impossible. Here the typical studies on different semiconductor materials using various methods of synchrotron x-ray scattering are presented.
Ion implantation in compound semiconductors is a quite complicated process leading to some usually detrimental effects like buildup of damage and strain. In the case of InP produced strain is rather low and is hardly accessible by the conventional x-ray analysis. InP single crystals implanted with different doses of 1.2 MeV As+ ions were studied. It was found that implanted layers are under tensile stress, which relaxes upon prolonged storage at RT.
Another important issue is the analysis of nanocrystals. Diamond-SiC heterostructures produced by ion beam synthesis are considered as a promising technique for production of novel devices for high power applications. Synthesized by ion bombardment nanocrystals that grow in the single crystalline matrix are highly oriented. As revealed by x-ray scattering size and shape of nanocrystals, as well as incorporated strain depend on the ion implantation parameters.

Keywords: ion bombardment; compound semiconductors; diamond; HRXRD; RBS; ion beam synthesis

  • Proceedings of the Vth International Conference "Ion Implantation and Other Applications of Ions and Electrons" - ION2004, June 14 - 17, 2004, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, Vacuum 78(2005), 303-309


Two-phase flow simulations in the FZ Rossendorf using CFX-5

Krepper, E.; Lucas, D.; Prasser, H.-M.; Shi, J.-M.; Rohde, U.


To qualify CFD codes for gas-liquid two-phase flows, they have to be equipped with constitutive models standing for the interaction between the gaseous and the liquid phases. In case of bubbly flow this particularly concerns the forces acting on the bubbles as well as bubble coalescence and break-up. Besides the drag forces describing the momentum exchange in flow direction, the non drag forces acting perpendicular to the flow direction play an important role for the development of the flow structure. The presentation describes the two phase flow test facilities in the Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, the applied measurement technique and the modelling efforts simulating the momentum exchange between the phases by means of a two-fluid model. The simulation of a rectangular bubble column and a hot channel in a nuclear reactor fuel assembly are presented as application examples.

Keywords: two-phase flow measurements; two-phase flow CFD calculations; Euler/Euler two fluid approach; momentum exchange non drag forces; wall boiling

  • Beitrag zu Proceedings
    22nd CAD-FEM User's Meeting 2004 and ANSYS CFX & ICEM CFD Conference, 10.-12.11.2004, Dresden, Germany
  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    22nd CAD-FEM User's Meeting 2004 and ANSYS CFX & ICEM CFD Conference, 10.-12.11.2004, Dresden, Germany


Two-Phase Boundary Layer Prediction In Upward Boiling Flow

Končar, B.; Mavko, B.; Krepper, E.; Hassan, Y. A.


In the present work, the numerical modelling of the two-phase turbulent boundary layer in upward boiling flow was investigated. First, non-dimensional liquid velocity and temperature profiles in the two-phase boundary layer were validated on the one-dimensional section of a pipe with prescribed radial void fraction profiles. Simulations were performed on a fine grid with a commercial code CFX-5 using the k-w turbulence model. A significant deviation of results from the analytical single-phase and two-phase wall functions from the literature was observed. Second, a wall boiling model in a vertical heated pipe was simulated (CFX-5) on the coarse grid. Here the prediction of the two-phase thermal boudary layer was compared to the experimental data, k-w calculation on the fine grid and against the single-phase analytical wall function. Again a major deviation against single-phase temperature wall function was obtained. Presented analyses suggest that the existing analytical velocity and temperature wall functions cannot be valid for the boiling boundary layer with the high void fraction on the wall.

Keywords: Computatioal fluid dynamics; two-phase flow; subcooled boiling; boundary layer

  • Beitrag zu Proceedings
    International Conference "Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2004", 06.-09.09.2004, Portorož, Slovenia


A limited-angle CT approach for a fast scanned electron-beam X-ray tomography with application to multi-phase flow measurements

Speck, M.; Hampel, U.; Koch, D.; Mayer, H.-G.; Menz, H.-J.; Prasser, H.-M.; Schleicher, E.


We devised and tested a computed tomography approach that utilises a scanned electron beam X-ray source to produce multiple projections of an object at scan rates of 1000 frames per second and at an in-plane resolution of 1 mm. The measurement setup consists of an electron beam unit, a cylindrical tungsten target, and a detector line array which are operated inside a vacuum enclosure. By means of fast periodic electron beam deflection we produce a linearly moving focal X-ray spot on the tungsten target. The X-ray detector is read out in synchronisation with the beam deflection signal such that a set of consecutive tomographic projections from an object that is placed between target and detector can be obtained. This approach has some attractive features: it gives the highest achievable axial resolution, which is necessary to image fast moving flow structures and it is comparatively moderate in effort and costs. However, these advantages are compromised by the fact, that the projection data is incomplete with regard to the projection angle. The arising limited-angle problem may be solved by iterative image reconstruction algorithms. We will show, that this approach is suitable for a certain class of flow problems which are characterised by less complex object distributions and a high degree of available a-priori information, such as two-phase flows and particle tracking problems. In the presentation we will give an overview on the method, present first experimental results and discuss the image reconstruction process in some more detail.

Keywords: limited-angle tomography; high-speed tomography; algebraic reconstruction

  • Beitrag zu Proceedings
    Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, 05.-08.09.2005, Aizu, Japan
  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    4th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, 05.-08.09.2005, Aizu, Japan


Gamma tomography with application to two-phase flow imaging in hydrodynamic machines

Hampel, U.; Baldauf, D.; Christen, M.; Diele, K.-H.; Fietz, J.; Höller, H.; Hoppe, D.; Kernchen, R.; Prasser, H.-M.; Will, G.; Zippe, C.; Zschau, J.; (Editors)


We discuss the application of gamma tomography to the fully three-dimensional measurement of gas and fluid distributions inside rotating hydrodynamic machines. For such investigations we use a gamma tomography setup that currently employs a Cs-137 source of 180 GBq activity and approximately 5 mm focal spot together with a detector arc made of 64 scintillation crystals (BGO) with photomultiplier read-out. The detector is operated in pulse counting mode with energy discrimination. In the presentation we will introduce the principle of phase-correlated projection acquisition. Thus, projection data of a rotating object is acquired by a fast detector read-out and subsequent integration of the data for a set of equal angular intervals which are recorded by an angle sensor at the rotating object. As a first example we demonstrate the measurement of gas fractions in an axial pump that is in two-phase flow operation. In this study we were able to visualise the gas profiles at 10% gas fraction within the impeller of the pump at different axial measurement planes. The results directly provided an understanding of the interrelation between the hydraulic conveyance characteristics of the pump in two-phase flow operation and the flow structure in the impeller. In a second example we introduce the measurement of fluid distributions in a hydrodynamic coupling. In this study we successfully applied gamma tomography to visualise flow patterns inside the coupling for varying filling levels and slips. These results now find application in the optimisation of coupling designs and in the validation of computational fluid dynamics simulations for such devices.

Keywords: gamma tomography; two-Phase flow imaging

  • Beitrag zu Proceedings
    Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Process Tomography, 05.-08.09.2005, Aizu, Japan


Characterization of Er : LiNbO3 and APE : Er : LiNbO3 by RBS-channeling and XRD techniques

Mackova, A.; Groetzschel, R.; Eichhorn, F.; Nekvindova, P.; Spirkova, J.


The samples of erbium-doped lithium niobate (Er:LiNbO3) were prepared by the standard Czochralski method and treated by the annealed proton exchange (APE) procedure to create a planar waveguide for further optical application. The positions of Er atoms in the crystal lattice of pristine and APE treated Er:LiNbO3 samples were studied by the Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS)-channeling method. The Er3+ ion positions in the pristine and the APE treated Er:LiNbO3 samples are compared. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to determine the damage to the crystal structure caused by the APE treatment. It was found that the APE treatment leads to significant crystal structure damage and to shifts of the Er3+ ions from their positions in the pristine crystal.

Keywords: Er:LiNbO3; RBS-channeling; APE treatment; optical waveguides

  • Surface and Interface Analysis 36(2004)8, 949-951


Optical and electronic properties of CrOxNy films, deposited by reactive DC magnetron sputtering in Ar/N2/O2(N2O) atmospheres

Mientus, R.; Grötzschel, R.; Ellmer, K.


Chromium oxynitride films CrOxNy were prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering from a chromium target in Ar/O-2(N2O)/N-2 gas mixtures. The argon-to-nitrogen partial pressure ratio and the DC discharge power were kept constant in the experiments. By changing the gas composition the film stoichiometry can be continuously varied from CrN to Cr2O3. The film composition has been determined by Rutherford backscattering (RBS) and by elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA). From an XRD analysis it was concluded that the films consist of CrN nanocrystals in an amorphous oxide matrix. Depending on the oxygen content [O], the electronic behaviour of the films changes, accompanied by the evolution of an optical band gap, which was determined by spectral transmission and reflection measurements. The (negative) temperature coefficient at approximate to 300 K of the resistivity of the films is in the range of 0.5 (CrN) to 2% K-1 (CrO0.5N0.7). This film property can be used for temperature-dependent resistors, for instance in thermal radiation detectors.

Keywords: chromium oxid; chromium nitride; reactive magnetron sputtering; ion beam analysis electronic properties

  • Surface & Coatings Technology 200(2005)(1-4), 341-345
    ISSN: 0257-8972


A study of the dechanneling of protons in SiC polytype crystals in the energy range E-p=400-650 keV

Kokkoris, M.; Perdikakis, G.; Kossionides, S.; Petrovic, S.; Vlastou, R.; Grötzschel, R.


In the present work, the energy spectra of protons channeled along the (0 0 0 1) axis of SiC polytype crystals (namely 4H and 6H) in the energy range E-P = 400-650 keV, in the backscattering geometry, were taken and analyzed. Computer simulations are in very good agreement with the measured spectra. The accurate reproduction of the experimental channeling spectra in the backscattering geometry is strongly based on the investigation of the correct dechanneling function and a, the ratio of the stopping powers in the aligned and random mode. In the present work, the applicability of a Gompertz type sigmoidal dechanneling function, with two parameters, k and x(c), which represent characteristic dechanneling rate and range, respectively, is examined, and the results are compared to the ones obtained in the past, concerning the same polytype structures, based on the assumption that the dechanneling of protons follows an exponential law, for the energy range E-P = 1.7-2.4 MeV.


The Influx of Neutral Amino Acids into the Porcine Brain During Development: A Positron Emission Tomography Study

Brust, P.; Vorwieger, G.; Walter, B.; Füchtner, F.; Stark, H.; Kuwabara, H.; Steinbach, J.; Bauer, R.


Pigs of three different age groups (newborns, 1 week old, 6 weeks old) were used to study the transport of the large neutral amino acids 6-[F-18]fluoro-L-DOPA ([F-18]FDOPA) and 3-O-methyl-6-[F-18]fluoro-L-DOPA ([F-18]OMFD) across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) with positron emission tomography (PET). Compartmental modeling of PET data was used to calculate the blood-brain clearance (K-1) and the rate constant for the brain-blood transfer (k(2)) of [F-18]FDOPA and [F-18]OMFD after i.v. injection. A 40-70% decrease of K-1(OMFD), K-1(FDOPA) and k(2)(OMFD) from newborns to juvenile pigs was found whereas k(2)(FDOPA) did not change. Generally, K-1(OMFD) and k(2)(OMFD) are lower than K-1(FDOPA) and k(2)(FDOPA) in all regions and age groups. The changes cannot be explained by differences in brain perfusion because the measured regional cerebral blood flow did not show major changes during the first 6 weeks after birth. In addition, alterations in plasma amino acids cannot account for the described transport changes. In newborn and juvenile pigs, HPLC measurements were performed. Despite significant changes of single amino acids (decrease: Met, Val, Leu; increase: Tyr), the sum of large neutral amino acids transported by LAT1 remained unchanged. Furthermore, treatment with a selective inhibitor of the LAT1 transporter (BCH) reduced the blood-brain transport of [F-18]FDOPA and [F-18]OMFD by 35% and 32%, respectively. Additional in-vitro studies using human LAT1 reveal a much lower affinity of FDOPA compared to OMFD or L-DOPA. The data indicate that the transport system(s) for neutral amino acids underlie(s) developmental changes after birth causing a decrease of the blood-brain barrier permeability for those amino acids during brain development. It is suggested that there is no tight coupling between brain amino acid supply and the demands of protein synthesis in the brain tissue. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  • Developmental Brain Research 152(2004), 241-253


Hydromagnetic dynamo experiments

Stefani, F.


Planetary, stellar, and galactic magnetic fields are caused by the hydromagnetic dynamo action in moving electrically conducting fluids. While theory and numerics of hydromagnetic dynamos have flourished during the last decades, an experimental validation of the effect was missing until recently. Therefore, it was a nice coincidence that, after years of preparations, the large-scale liquid sodium dynamo facilities in Riga and Karlsruhe became operative nearly simultaneously at the end of 1999. Since those pioneering times, a number of runs have been carried out in either place, yielding reproducible data on the kinematic as well as on the saturation regime. With the main focus on the Riga experiment, I give a summary of what has been achieved so far and what is left for future dynamo experiments.

  • Sonstiger Vortrag
    Seminarvortrag, Technische Universiteit Delft, 20.10.2004, Delft, Netherlands


Depth profiling of light elements in PAMBE-grown GaN and helium-implanted titanium with heavy ion time-of-flight elastic recoil detection

Markwitz, A.; Kennedy, V. J.; Durbin, S. M.; Johnson, P. B.; Mücklich, A.; Dytlewski, N.


The heavy ion time-of-flight elastic recoil detection analysis (HI-ERDA) technique was used to investigate the possibility of measuring near-surface elemental depth profiles of light and mid-Z elements in thin films of plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE)-grown GaN and helium-implanted titanium. The great advantage of HI-ERDA is the ability to measure mass-separated elemental depth profiles simultaneously. However for some materials it is not certain whether HI-ERDA can be used successfully because significant sputtering or other beam-induced damage may occur. The damage to the surfaces by a 77 MeV iodine beam was assessed using RBS, AFM and profilometry. The results show that for thin PAMBE-grown polycrystalline GaN films and for titanium that has been heavely implanted with helium a significant modification of the near-surface region is caused by the probing heavy ion beam. For the PAMBE-grown GaN films the most significant loss trend is observed for nitrogen. Surprisingly this was not accompanied by a change in surface topology. In contrast, an almost complete removal of the heavily helium-implanted surface layer was measured for the titanium specimens. The investigation shows that reference measurements with additional techniques such as RBS, AFM and profilometry have to be performed to ascertain sample integrity before HI-ERDA data can be used.

Keywords: HI-ERDA; GaN; He-implanted Ti; nanoporous surfaces; sputtering; depth profiling


Investigation of the Formation and Phase Transition of Ge and Co Nanoparticles in a SiO2 matrix

Cantelli, V.; von Borany, J.; Mücklich, A.; Schell, N.


The evolution of ion beam synthesized Co and Ge nanoclusters in a SiO2 matrix during annealing processes has been investigated by in-situ X-ray diffraction and ex-situ transmission electron microscopy. Remarkable differences has been found for Ge and Co clusters. For Ge implanted SiO2 films a clear influence of near-surface Ge oxidation and nanocluster melting has been established. Annealing at temperatures at around 1000°C leads to the formation of an ensemble of small (d~5 nm) nanocrystals. The cluster growth is mainly thermodynamically driven by classical diffusion limited Ostwald ripening. Contrary, for Co-implanted SiO2 films a drastic transition in nanoclusters evolution has been established. Within a relatively small temperature range at around 800°C an ensemble of small (d~4nm) amorphous Co clusters is transformed into a bimodal cluster distribution with large Co nanocrystals of 20-40 nm diameter near the surface. The influence of oxidation or nanocluster melting can be neglected.

Keywords: Nanoclusters; Cobalt; Germanium; Microstructure; XRD; TEM

  • Poster
    4th Int. Conference on Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science (SRMS-4), August 23-25, 2004, Grenoble, France


Recent developments in the field of nuclear safety research

Rindelhardt, U.; Weiss, F.-P.


Some recent developments in the field of nuclear safety research will be presented. The contribution starts from the general aim of safety research – to contribute to the sustainability of nuclear energy compared with other energy resources.
The first two examples refers to the safety of operating NPPs. Possible boron dilution transients can lead to reactivity accidents at certain conditions. Comprehensive experimental and numerical studies were carried out to identify the critical conditions of such transients. Another topic – which belongs to the severe accident research - is the investigation of the reactor pressure vessel behaviour during core melt and corium in the lower plenum. Pre- and post-test calculations of the Swedish FOREVER-experiments will be presented.
The third topic deals with the transmutation of long-lived radionuclides. Up to now the radioactive waste has safely to be isolated for millions of years. Implementing new concepts a drastic reduction of waste and isolation time can be expected. As example accelerator driven systems (ADS) are discussed.

Keywords: Nuclear safety research; Boron dilution; severe accidents; partitioning and transmutation; ADS

  • Eingeladener Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    CO-MAT-TECH 2004, 12th International Scientific Conference, 14.-15.10.2004, Trnava, Slovakia


In-situ x-ray diffraction during sputter deposition of Ti1-xAlxN thin films

Beckers, M.; Schell, N.; Martins, R. M. S.; Möller, W.; (Editors)


Due to improved hardness and oxidation resistance, Ti1-xAlxN coatings are constantly displacing TiN in tooling and microelectronic industry. Since the coating’s performance can be further increased by tailoring preferred orientation, an understanding of how deposition parameters influence thin film texture is crucial. The approach used here is in situ x-ray diffraction both in-plane and off-plane during film growth. For this purpose a growth chamber has been installed into the goniometer of the Rossendorf synchrotron BeamLine (ROBL) at the ESRF. Ti1-xAlxN films were deposited by reactive co-sputtering from metallic Ti and Al targets, varying substrate temperature, bias voltage and aluminum concentration. In-situ experiments with x~0.1 revealed competitive growth between low surface free energy (002) grains and low strain energy (111) grains parallel to the surface with (002) orientation dominating at higher substrate temperature in accordance with models found in literature. Contrary to pure TiN, here no sub-surface recrystallisation as a driving factor for texture crossover has been observed. Halving the deposition rate led to almost pure (002) fiber texture independent of film thickness pointing towards kinetic restrictions during film growth. Data of current experiments on nano-composite structured Ti1-xAlxN with x~0.5 will also be presented at the conference.

  • Poster
    Plasma surface Engineering (PSE) 2004, Garmisch-Partenkirchen
  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    9th Int. Conf. on Plasma Surface Enginneering, 13.-17.09.2004, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany


The crucial role of the diphosphine heteroatom X in the stereochemistry and stabilization of the substitution-inert [M(N)(PXP)]2+ metal fragments (M = Tc, Re; PXP = diphosphine ligand)

Tisato, F.; Refosco, F.; Porchia, M.; Bolzati, C.; Bandoli, G.; Dolmella, A.; Duatti, A.; Boschi, A.; Jung, C. M.; Pietzsch, H.-J.; Kraus, W.


The nature of the heteroatom X incorporated in the five-member PXP-diphosphine spacer was found to play a primary unit role both in the stereochemical arrangement and overall stability of nitrido containing [M(N)(PXP)]2+ metal fragments (M = Tc, Re). Thus, by mixing PXP ligands with labile [Re(N)Cl4]- and [Tc(N)Cl2(PPh3)2] nitrido precursors in CH2Cl2/MeOH mixtures, a series of neutral [M(N)Cl2(PXP)] complexes (M = Tc, 1-5; M = Re, 8-9) was collected. In the resulting distorted octahedrons PXP adopted facial or meridional coordination, and combination with halide co-ligands produced three different stereochemical arrangements, i.e. fac,cis mer,cis and mer,trans, depending primarily on the nature of the diphosphine heteroatom X. When X = NH, mer,cis-[Tc(N)Cl2(PNP1)] 1 was the only isomer formed. Alternatively, when a tertiary amine nitrogen (X = NR; R = CH3, CH2CH2OCH3) was introduced in the spacer, fac,cis-[M(N)Cl2(PN(R)P)] complexes (M = Tc, 2, 3; M = Re, 8f) were obtained. Isomerization into the the mer,cis-[Re(N)Cl2(PN(R)P)], 8m, species was observed only in the case of rhenium when the tertiary amine group carried the less encumbering methyl substituent. Fac,cis-[Tc(N)Cl2(PSP)], 4f, was isolated in the solid state when X = S, but mixture of fac,cis-[Tc(N)Cl2(PSP)] and mer,trans-[Tc(N)Cl2(PSP)], 4m, isomers was found in equilibrium in the solution state. A similar equilibrium between fac,cis-[M(N)Cl2(POP)] (M = Tc, 5f; M = Re, 9f) and mer,trans-[M(N)Cl2(POP)] (M = Tc, 5m; M = Re, 9m) species was detected in POP containing complexes. The molecular structure of all of these complexes were assessed by means of conventional physico-chemical techniques including multinuclear NMR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis of representative mer,cis-[Tc(N)Cl2(PN(H)P)] 1, fac,cis-[Tc(N)Cl2(PSP)] 4f, and mer,cis-[Re(N)Cl2(PN(Me)P)] 8m compounds.

  • Inorganic Chemistry 43(2004), 8617-8625


In-situ Charakterisierung während der Hochenergie - Sauerstoffionen - Implantation in Übergangsmetalle

Bohne, Y.; Shevchenko, N.; Prokert, F.; von Borany, J.; Rauschenbach, B.; Möller, W.

Keywords: In-situ; Implantation; Übergangsmetalle; Oxid

  • Poster
    DPG - spring meeting, Regensburg, March 8-12, 2004


Surface processes and properties of ion implanted NiTi alloy

Shevchenko, N.; Pham, M.-T.; Richter, E.; Maitz, M. F.

Keywords: NiTi; ion implantation; surface; biocompatibility

  • Poster
    9th International conference on plasma surface engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, September 13 - 17, 2004


3-O-Methyl-6-18F-Fluoro-L-Dopa, a New Tumor Imaging Agent: Investigation of Transport Mechanism In Vitro

Bergmann, R.; Pietzsch, J.; Füchtner, F.; Pawelke, B.; Beuthien-Baumann, B.; Johannsen, B.; Kotzerke, J.


18F-Labeled amino acids represent a promising class of imaging agents in tumors, particularly brain tumors. However, the determination of their potential to image peripheral tumors, possibly depending on individual transport characteristics, still remains an area of investigation. The present study investigated the transport mechanism for 3-O-methyl-618F-fluoro-L-dopa (OMFD), a novel 18F-labeled phenylalanine derivative, into tumor cells. Methods: OMFD has routinely and reliably been prepared for clinical use in 20 % - 25 % radiochemical yield (decay corrected, related to 18F-F2) using 6-18F-fluoro-L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine preparation devices with minor modifications. In vitro uptake assays with HT-29 (human colon adenocarcinoma) cells, FaDu (squamous cell carcinoma) cells, and RBE4 (immortalized rat brain endothelial) cells were performed with OMFD under physiologic amino acid concentrations without and with the competitive transport inhibitors 2-aminobicyclo[2,2,1]-heptane-2-carboxylic acid and α-(methylamino)isobutyric acid plus serine and without or with Na+. Results: Transport inhibition experiments using specific competitive inhibitors demonstrated that uptake of OMFD in all cell lines tested was mediated mainly by the sodium-independent high-capacity amino acid transport systems. The highest OMFD uptake was in FaDu cells. Conclusion: OMFD seems to be a promising PET tracer for imaging of amino acid transport in tumors.

Keywords: amino acid transport; 18F; PET; radiotracer

  • Journal of Nuclear Medicine 45(2004), 2116-2122


Fluid-dynamic instabilities during mass transfer across the interface between to immiscible liquids

Grahn, A.; Prasser, H.-M.


Experiments and simulations were conducted in a vertically oriented Hele-Shaw cell. Buoyancy driven convection, in particular plumes and double diffusive fingering as well as surface tension driven convection in the form of roll cells have been found in the experiments and reproduced numerically. The calculations reveal the mechanism of the enhancement of mass transfer rates in the presence of the instabilities. The model can be used to predict the mass transfer for the simple geometry of a flat surface.

Keywords: double diffusive instability; Marangoni effect; mass transfer; chemical reaction

  • Beitrag zu Proceedings
    6th world conference on experimental heat transfer, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics, 17.-21.04.2005, Miyagi, Japan


Improvements of tribological properties of CrNiMo and CrCoMo alloys by nitrogen plasma immersion ion implantation

Ueda, M.; Berni, L. A.; Castro, R. M.; Reuther, H.; Lepienski, C. M.; Soares Jr., P. C.


Improvements of tribological properties of CrNiMo and CrCoMo alloys by nitrogen plasma immersion ion implantation

  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    9th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, September 13 - 17, 2004, Garmisch-Partenkirchen


Chromium enrichment of AISI 304 stainless steel surface after nitrogen ion recoil bombardment of chromium film

Gomes, G. F.; Ueda, M.; Beloto, A. F.; Reuther, H.; Richter, E.


Chromium enrichment of AISI 304 stainless steel surface after nitrogen ion recoil bombardment of chromium film

  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    8th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology September 20-24, 2004 Paris


Comparison of nitrogen ion beam and plasma immersion implantation in Al5052 alloy

Ueda, M.; Reuther, H.; Lepienski, C. M.


Comparison of nitrogen ion beam and plasma immersion implantation in Al5052 alloy

  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    8th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology September 20-24, 2004, Paris, France


Plasma immersion ion implantation of nitrogen into H13 steel under moderate temperatures

Ueda, M.; Leandro, C.; Reuther, H.; Lepienski, C. M.


Plasma immersion ion implantation of nitrogen into H13 steel under moderate temperatures

  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    8th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology September 20-24, 2004, Paris, France


Sn4+ charge density variation in In2O3

Reuther, H.; Menzel, M.; Vinnichenko, M.; Kolitsch, A.


Thin tin-doped indium oxide films have a low resistivity (10-3-10-4 W·cm) and a high luminous transmittance (>80%) [1]. Therefore they find an application as electrodes in flat panel displays, solar cells, etc.
The lowest resistivities (in the order of 1·10-4 W·cm) are reported for ITO films prepared by sputtering of ceramic targets which are expensive and mechanically fragile. The stable process with metallic targets can be much more favorable for industrial application, because of low cost and high deposition rates. The production of ITO films with low resistivity by reactive sputtering usually requires postdeposition annealing step or deposition on heated substrates [1].
A number of publications were devoted to investigate ITO powders with different Sn content [2] and ITO films subjected to oxidizing and reducing annealing [3]. These films were prepared from ceramic targets. Mössbauer spectroscopy in combination with X-ray diffraction and Hall measurements have been applied in these studies on ITO to investigate the chemical state of Sn atoms.
Similar investigations on the ITO films prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering at elevated substrate temperatures are missing up to now. Therefore indium-tin oxides (ITO) films were deposited by reactive middle frequency dual magnetron sputtering at heated substrates.
The doping of Sn in In2O3 was investigated using the surface sensitive 119mSn Conversion-Electron Mössbauer Spectroscopy (CEMS) to investigate the chemical state of tin.

  • Poster
    International Symposium on the Industrial Applications of the Mössbauer Effect, 4-9 October, 2004. Madrid


Einfluss unvermeidbarer Patientenbewegungen auf PET-Hirnuntersuchungen

Bühler, P.; Langner, J.; Kotzerke, J.; van den Hoff, J.

  • Abstract in referierter Zeitschrift
    Nuklearmedizin 43(2004), V196
  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    42. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin, 21.-24.04.2004, Rostock, Germany


Scanning capacitance microscopy and spectroscopy on SiO2 films with embedded Ge and Si nanoclusters

Beyer, R.; Beyreuther, E.; von Borany, J.; Weber, J.


Scanning capacitance microscopy (SCM) and -spectroscopy (SCS) were applied to study the charge trapping and the charge retention in silicondioxide layers with embedded Ge- or Si-nanoclusters. The nanoclusters were formed by ion beam synthesis. Applying a dc bias to the conductive nano-tip charge injection into the dielectric was achieved. While SCM images visualize the localized trapped charge in the oxide, the locally recorded dC/dV versus V curves allow to quantify the trap density. The evaluation of dCldV shifts was used to compare the electronic properties of different oxide layers in dependence on the implantation parameters. In addition it is demonstrated, that combined SCM/SCS measurements are a suitable tool for the examination of the charge decay as well as of the reliability and degradation of oxide layers on a nanoscale.

Keywords: Interface states; Charge; Junctions; Dynamics; Layer

  • Microelectronic Engineering 72(2004), 207-212


Luminescence center transformation in wet and dry SiO2

Fitting, H.-J.; Ziems, T.; von Czarnowski, A.; Schmidt, B.


The main luminescent centers in SiO2 films are the red luminescence R (1.85 eV) of the nonbridging oxygen hole center (NBOHC) and the oxygen deficient center (ODC) with a blue B (2.7 eV) and a UV (4.4 eV). By means of a new "track-stop" technique we have investigated especially the initial luminescence behaviour at the beginning of irradiation. Thus the blue-emitting center is produced under irradiation , but from existing precursers. Contrary to that, the dose behaviour of the red (R) luminescence in wet and dry oxide is quite different, decreasing in wet oxide from a high initial level and increasing in dry oxide from almost zero. We propose a model of luminescence center transformation based on radiolytic dissociation and the reactions of mobile oxygen and hydrogen.

Keywords: Cathodoluminescence; irradiation dose; center transformation; precursers

  • Radiation Measurements 38(2004), 649-753


Ion-beam Synthesis of Nanocrystals for Multidot Memory Structures

Beyer, V.; von Borany, J.


not available

  • Beitrag zu fremdem Sammelwerk
    E.Zschech, C.Whelan, T.Mikolajick: Materials for Information Technology - Devices, Interconnects and Packaging; Series: Engineering Materials and Processes, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2005, 1-85233-941-1


Dendrimers for Separation Processes

Gloe, K.; Antonioli, B.; Gloe, K.; Stephan, H.

  • Beitrag zu fremdem Sammelwerk
    C. A. M. Afonso, J. G. Crespo: Green Separation Processes, Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2005, 3-527-30985-3, 304-322


Untersuchungen zur Kühlmittelvermischung: Ergebnisse numerischer Simulationen mit CFX-5 im Vergleich mit experimentellen Ergebnissen an der Vermischungsanlage ROCOM

Höhne, T.


The coolant mixing in the downcomer and the lower plenum of pressurized water reactors (PWR) is significant for safety assessment of boron dilution and cold water transients.

The research project FLOMIX-R within the 5th Framework Programme of EC had the objective to obtain experimental data on the relevant coolant mixing phenomena using improved measurement techniques with enhanced resolution in space and time for CFD validation.

Recent experiments at the Rossendorf test facility ROCOM were integrated into this research project. ROCOM is a 1:5 scaled Plexiglas model of a German PWR allowing conductivity measurements by wire mesh sensors for analyzing the mixing pattern at selected positions in the reactor pressure vessel and velocity measurements by LDA technique.

A few benchmark problems based on selected experiments were used to study the effect of different turbulent mixing models under various flow conditions, to investigate the influence of the geometry, the boundary conditions, the grid and the time step in the CFD analyses. In doing the calculations the Best Practice Guidelines for nuclear reactor safety calculations have been followed. Results of this numerical mixing studies will be discussed.

Keywords: Boron Dilution; CFD; Kühlmittelvermischung; Borverdünnung

  • Eingeladener Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    Forschungzentrum Karlsruhe, Insitut für Reaktorsicherheit, Seminarreihe 2004/2005, 13.01.2005, Karlsruhe, Germany


Transient effects in fission from new experimental signatures

Jurado, B.; Schmitt, C.; Schmidt, K.-H.; Benlliure, J.; Enqvist, T.; Junghans, A. R.; Kelic, A.; Rejmund, F.


A new experimental approach is introduced to investigate the relaxation of the nuclear deformation degrees of freedom. Highly excited fissioning systems with compact shapes and low angular momenta are produced in peripheral relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Both fission fragments are identified in atomic number. Fission cross sections and fission-fragment element distributions are determined as a function of the fissioning element. From the comparison of these new observables with a nuclear-reaction code a value for the transient time is deduced.


Electroproduction of Strangeness on 3,4λH bound states on Helium

Dohrmann, F.; Ahmidouch, A.; Armstrong, C. S.; Arrington, J.; Asaturyan, R.; Avery, S.; Bailey, K.; Baker, O. K.; Bitao, H.; Breuer, H.; Brown, D. S.; Carlini, R.; Cha, J.; Chant, N.; Christy, E.; Cochran, A.; Cole, L.; Crowder, J.; Danagoulian, S.; Elaasar, M.; Ent, R.; Fenker, H.; Fujii, Y.; Gan, L.; Garrow, K.; Geesaman, D. F.; Gueye, P.; Hafidi, K.; Hinton, W.; Juengst, H.; Keppel, C.; Liang, Y.; Liu, J. H.; Lung, A.; Mack, D.; Markowitz, P.; Mitchell, J.; Miyoshi, T.; Mkrtchyan, H.; Mtingwa, S. K.; Mueller, B.; Niculescu, G.; Niculescu, I.; Potterveld, D. H.; Raue, B. A.; Reimer, P. E.; Reinhold, J.; Roche, J.; Sarsour, M.; Sato, Y.; Segel, R. E.; Semenov, A. Y.; Stepanyan, S.; Tadevosian, V.; Tajima, S.; Tang, L.; Uzzle, A.; Wood, S.; Yamaguchi, H.; Yan, C.; Yuan, L.; Zeier, M.; Zeidman, B.; Zihlmann, B.


The A(e,e'K+)X reaction has been investigated at Jefferson Laboratory. Data were taken for Q2 approx 0.35\,\rm GeV2 at a beam energy of 3.245 GeV for 1H,3He and 4He targets.
Evidence for Lambda-hypernuclear bound states is seen for 3,4He targets. This is the first time that the electroproduction of these hypernuclei has been observed.

Keywords: Electroproduction of Strangeness; Hyperons; Hypernuclear Physics

  • Beitrag zu Proceedings
    AIP Conference Proceedings 768(2005), 294, Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics


Application of ultra-high energy boron implantation for superjunction power (CoolMOS) devices

von Borany, J.; Friedrich, M.; Rüb, M.; Deboy, G.; Butschke, J.; Letzkus, F.


Superjunction devices (SJDs) are a novel class of power devices which break the physical limit of silicon with respect to the area specific turn-on-resistance. SJDs consist of a modified vertical MOSFET structure which is characterized by additional deep pillar-like p-type regions formed inside the n(-) epi-layer below the transistor gate. In the present investigation ultra-high energy boron ion implantation of 2-25 MeV were applied for forming the deep p-type regions laterally structured using Si stencilmasks. For energies above 12 MeV the incident ions exceed the Coulomb barrier for Si which leads (i) to a significant gamma and neutron emission during implantation and, (ii) an activation of the wafer and the mask material. Fortunately, the most relevant reaction (11B+28Si >n,alpha>34mCl> 34S+beta) has a half-life time of only 32 min so that the radiation level of the wafers drops below the critical radiation protection limit within the processing time. Based on the described technology Infineon Technologies successfully prepared a set of prototype wafers with fully functional high-voltage transistors. Typical blocking capability was in the range of 560 V with an on-state resistance of about 185 mOhm.

Keywords: Power devices; Si doping; Ultra-high energy ion implantation; nuclear reactions

  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    15th Intern. Conference on Ion Implantation Technology 2004, 24.-29.10.2004, Taipeh, PR China (Taiwan)
  • Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 237(2005), 62-67


In-situ X-ray diffraction investigations during high-energy oxygen ion iplantation in transition metals

Bohne, Y.; Shevchenko, N.; Prokert, F.; von Borany, J.; Rauschenbach, B.; Moeller, W.


An in-situ X-ray diffraction study was performed to characterize aspects of the kinetics of struc-tural phase formations in transition metals during oxygen implantation. A special designed high-temperature vacuum chamber for X-ray measurements was installed at the high-energy implantation beamline of the 3 MV-Tandetron accelerator. Titanium and molybdenum sheets were implanted with oxygen ions with an energy of 1.5 MeV up to a fluence of 1.6 × 1018 O+-ions/cm2 without sample cooling. During implantation, the phase formation was continually investigated by in-situ and real-time X-ray diffraction (XRD) with a position sensitive proportional counter system. The phase formation was studied during annealing treatments by in-situ XRD. The obtained results were com-pared with ex-situ XRD measurements performed by different techniques at a standard diffractometer. The analysis of XRD patterns indicates the formation of a buried MoO2 layer in molybdenum. In the Ti-samples no buried oxide is formed due to significant oxygen diffusion.

Keywords: In-situ XRD; Ion implantation; Transition metals; Phase formation

  • Beitrag zu Proceedings
    13th International School on Vacuum, Electron and Ion Technologies, 15 – 19 September, 2003, Varna, Bulgaria
  • Vacuum 76(2004)2-3, 281-285


86Y-Markierung von Neurotensin(8-13)-Derivaten

Schlesinger, J.; Bergmann, R.; Seifert, S.; Wüst, F.

  • Sonstiger Vortrag
    12. Jahrestagung der AG Radiochemie/Radiopharmazie, 23.-25.09.2004, Walberberg, Germany


Rhenium-188-Gemischtligandkomplexe mit Phoshinliganden: Stabilitätsbetrachtungen

Schiller, E.

  • Sonstiger Vortrag
    12. Jahrestagung der AG Radiochemie/Radiopharmazie, 23.-25.09.2004, Walberberg, Germany


Untersuchungen zur Bioverteilung und Elimination des Isopeptides N-ε-(γ-Glutamyl)-lysin mittels Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie

Hultsch, C.; Bergmann, R.; Pawelke, B.; Pietzsch, J.; Wüst, F.; Johannsen, B.; Henle, T.

  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    14. Arbeitstagung der Lebensmittelchemischen Gesellschaft – Fachgruppe in der Gesellschaft Deutsche Chemiker Regionalverband Süd-Ost, 01.-02.04.2004, Halle, Germany
  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    11. Jahrestagung der AG Radiochemie/Radiopharmazie, Leipzig-Brehna, 18.09.2003


Neuartige Re-188-Komplexe abgeleitet von Dimercaptobernsteinsäure

Heinrich, T.

  • Sonstiger Vortrag
    12. Jahrestagung der AG Radiochemie/Radiopharmazie, 23.-25.09.2004, Walberberg, Germany


Ultrafast carrier dynamics in nitrogen containing GaAs

Dekorsy, T.; Sinning, S.; Helm, M.; Mussler, G.; Daweritz, L.; Ploog, K. H.


Poster of experimental results of time resolved carrier relaxation of nitrogen containing GaAs

Keywords: GaNAs; MBE; Implantation; carrier relaxation; nitrogen; III-V; ultrafast

  • Poster
    presented at the 27th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS) ,July 25-30, 2004 in Flagstaff, Arizona, USA.
  • Beitrag zu Proceedings
    27th Int. Conf. on the Physics of Semiconductors, 26.-30.07.2004, Flagstaff, AZ, USA
    American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 772(2005), 235-236


Rhenium-188: Chemie eines therapeutischen interessanten Radionuklides

Heinrich, T.

  • Eingeladener Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung, 19.03.2004, Berlin, Germany


Synthese und radiopharmakologische Untersuchung eines 18F-markierten Resveratrolderivates

Gester, S.; Pietzsch, J.; Wüst, F.

  • Sonstiger Vortrag
    12. Jahrestagung der AG Radiochemie/Radiopharmazie, 23.-25.09.2004, Walberberg, Germany


Ultrafast carrier dynamics in nitrogen implanted GaAs

Sinning, S.; Dekorsy, T.; Helm, M.


We report on the comparative analysis of the ultrafast carrier dynamics of pure GaAs and ion-implanted GaNAs. Different nitrogen concentrations (up to 4%) are implanted and subsequently annealed by rapid thermal annealing (RTA). Damage analysis by channeling Rutherford backscattering (RBS) reveals that the annealing step improves the crystal quality but does not restore the original quality. From photoreflectance measurements we conclude that the highest achieved active nitrogen content in the implanted samples is 0.5% for an equivalent implantation dose of 1%. Carrier dynamics are investigated by one-colour pump-probe measurements covering an excitation wavelength range from 730nm to 860nm (1.7eV to 1.44eV) with femtosecond time resolution. Comparison with non-implanted GaAs indicates that the carrier relaxation in the implanted samples is dominated by traps associated with implantation damage.

Keywords: GaNAS; Implantation; Nitrogen; ultrafast; carrier dynamics; carrier relaxation


Ladungsträger-Dynamik in Stickstoff-implantiertem GaAs

Sinning, S.; Dekorsy, T.; Helm, M.


III-V-Halbleitern mit geringen Stickstoffkonzentrationen gelten sowohl als Materialsystem als auch für Anwendungen seit einiger Zeit gr¨oßeres Interesse. Neben epitaktischen Methoden bietet die Ionen-Implantation einen effektiven Weg zur Einbringung des Stickstoffs in das Substrat. Nachteil dieses Verfahrens ist der dem Gitter durch die Ionen-Implantation zugefügte Schaden.
Wir untersuchen die Effektivität des Einbaus von aktivem Stickstoff nach Implantation und thermischer Ausheilung (RTA). Bei RTA-Bedingungen von 650°C/30s ist der Einbau des Stickstoffs in die Matrix optimal. Eine Verbesserung der Gitterqualität kann durch Implantation bei erhöhten Temperaturen (T > 200°C) erreicht werden. Die Ladungsträger-Dynamik im sub-Pikosekunden-Bereich für Implantationen bei Raumtemperatur und bei erhöhten Temperaturen wird mit der von nicht-implantiertem GaAs verglichen. Es werden signifikante Unterschiede beobachtet, die auf eine starke Modifizierung der Bandstruktur des stickstoffhaltigen GaAs zurückzuführen sind.

Keywords: GaNAs; Stickstoff; III-V; RTA; Implantation; Dynamik; ultrafast

  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    DPG-Tagung, Frühjahrs-Tagung des Arbeitskreises Festkörperphysik, 08.-12.03. 2004, Regensburg, Deutschland


Ultrafast carrier dynamics in nitrogen containing GaAs

Sinning, S.; Dekorsy, T.; Helm, M.; Mussler, G.; Daweritz, L.; Ploog, K. H.


Poster of experimental results of time resolved carrier dynamics of nitrogen containing GaAs.

Keywords: GaNAs; Nitrogen; III-V; ultrafast; carrier dynamics

  • Poster
    presented at the EMRS 2004, Strasbourg, France, May 24-28, 2004


Magnetic field controlled solidification of Nd-Fe-B melts

Hermann, R.; Filip, O.; Gerbeth, G.; Priede, J.; Shatrov, V.


The reduction of the a-Fe volume fraction and the a-Fe grain size represents a known objective for the improvement of this magnet material. It is attained here by a controlled influence on the melt flow via tailored magnetic fields. The reduction of the internal melt motion results in a significant decrease of the a-Fe volume fraction in the solidified Nd-Fe-B material.

  • Poster
    Konferenz "High performance magnets and their applications", Annecy (France), 29.8.-2.9.2004


Multiplicity correlations of intermediate-mass fragments with pions and fast protons in C-12+Au-197

Turzo, K.; Auger, G.; Begemann-Blaich, M.; Et Al.


Low-energy pi(+) (E-pi less than or similar to 35 MeV) from C-12 + Au-197 collisions at incident energies from 300 to 1800 MeV per nucleon were detected with the Si-Si(Li)-CsI(Tl) calibration telescopes of the INDRA multidetector. The inclusive angular distributions are approximately isotropic, consistent with multiple rescattering in the target spectator. The multiplicity correlations of the low-energy pions and of energetic protons (E-p greater than or similar to 150 MeV) with intermediate-mass fragments were determined from the measured coincidence data. The deduced correlation functions 1 + R approximate to 1.3 for inclusive event samples reflect the strong correlations evident from the common impact parameter dependence of the considered multiplicities. For narrow impact parameter bins (based on charged-particle multiplicity), the correlation functions are close to unity and do not indicate strong additional correlations. Only for pions at high particle multiplicities (! central collisions) a weak anticorrelation is observed, probably due to a limited competition between these emissions. Overall, the results are consistent with the equilibrium assumption made in statistical multifragmentation scenarios. Predictions obtained with intranuclear-cascade models coupled to the Statistical Multifragmentation Model are in good agreement with the experimental data.


Dendritic Carriers and Cage Compounds for Radionuclides

Stephan, H.

  • Eingeladener Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    Kolloquium, Department of Materials Science, JAERI, Tokai-mura (Japan), 26.11.2003


Solvent Extraction As a Helpful Tool for the Characterisation of Supramolecular Receptors

Stephan, H.

  • Eingeladener Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    Kolloquium, Department of Environmental Chemistry and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo (Japan), 25.11.2003


Novel Approaches for Binding Therapeutically Relevant Copper and Rhenium Radionuclides

Stephan, H.

  • Eingeladener Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    Kolloquium, Department of Chemistry, Tohoku University, Sendai (Japan), 19.11.2003


Development of Rhenium Complexes and Metal Clusters for Therapy

Stephan, H.

  • Eingeladener Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    Kolloquium, Department of Applied Chemistry, Saga University, Saga (Japan), 14.11.2003
  • Eingeladener Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    Kolloquium, Department och Chemical Processes and Environments, University Kitakyushu, Kitakyushu, Japan, 11.11.2003


Development of Highly Stable Rhenium Complexes

Stephan, H.

  • Eingeladener Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    Kolloquium, Department of Chemical Processes and Environments, University Kitakyushu, Kitakyushu (Japan), 11.11.2003


Design of a Travelling Magnetic Field for Vertical Gradient Freeze - Crystal Growth

Lantzsch, R.; Galindo, V.; Gerbeth, G.; Cröll, A.


The melt flow in the vertical Gradient Freeze growth of GaAs can efficiently be controlled by an external travelling magnetic field. The latter directly provides for a poloidal flow in the molten part. Controlling this flow offers the possibility to influence the interface shape, to increase the growth rate or to improve the homogeneity of the crystal. We report on the design of the magnetic field system and preliminary flow measurements with it.

  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    Workshop „Angewandte Simulation in der Kristallzüchtung“, 05.-06.02.2004, Volkach, Germany


Calorimetric and Potentiometric Study of PAMAM Dendrimers: Protonation and Interactions with Human Serum Albumin

Kirchner, R.; Seidel, J.; Gloe, K.; Stephan, H.

  • Poster
    3rd International Dendrimer Symposium, Berlin, 17.–20.09.2003


Development of Dendrons for Binding Rhenium Radionuclides

Appelhans, D.; Clausnitzer, C.; Gloe, K.; Johannsen, B.; Spies, H.; Stephan, H.; Stute, S.; Voit, B.

  • Poster
    3rd International Dendrimer Symposium, Berlin, 17.–20.09.2003


Dendritic Receptors for Binding Therapeutically Relevant Copper and Rhenium Radionuclides

Stephan, H.

  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    10th International Conference “Separation of Ionic Solutes”, Podbanske (Slovakia), 06.–11.09.2003


Preparation and Characterisation of Polyoxotungstates

Stephan, H.; Sawatzki, A.-K.

  • Sonstiger Vortrag
    Institutskolloquium, Institute of Chemical Technology Prag, 20.08.2003


Neue Rhenium- und Kupfer-Koordinationsverbindungen für die Radiotherapie

Stephan, H.

  • Eingeladener Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    Institutskolloquium, Universität Heidelberg, Institut für Anorganische Chemie, 30.06.2003


Oxathiaaza-Makrocyclen: Potentielle Extraktionsmittel für Metallionen und Metallsalze

Antonioli, B.; Gloe, K.; Goretzki, G.; Glenny, M. W.; Schröder, M.; Herrmann, E.; Stephan, H.

  • Sonstiger Vortrag
    DECHEMA-Sitzung „Das Neue geschieht an den Grenzflächen“, Würzburg, 05.-07.03.2003


Supramolecular Systems in the Design of Radiopharmaceuticals

Stephan, H.; Johannsen, B.

  • Sonstiger Vortrag
    Workshop FWB Rossendorf/Schering AG, Hinterhermsdorf, 4. – 5. April 2002


Synergistic Solvent Extraction of Cu(II), Zn(II), and Ni(II) Based on Supramolecular Assemblies

Gasperov, V.; Gloe, K.; Leong, A. J.; Lindoy, L. F.; Mahinay, M. S.; Stephan, H.; Tasker, P. A.; Wichmann, K.

  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    Int. Solvent Extraction Conference 2002, Cape Town (South Africa), 17 – 21 März 2002


Binding and in vitro transport behaviour of polyoxotungstates in the presence of aminosaccharides

Stephan, H.; Bergmann, R.; Rode, K.; Röllich, A.; Sawatzki, A.-K.; Inoue, K.; Jelínek, L.; Parschová, H.; Matejka, Z.

  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    International Conference on Supramolecular Science & Technology , 05.-09.09.2004, Prag, Czech Republic
  • Beitrag zu Proceedings
    Chemické Listy 98(2004), s35-36


Octahedral Rhenium Cluster Complexes with Organic Ligands as New Preparations for Medical Applications

Fedorov, V.; Mironov, Y.; Shestopalov, M.; Brylev, K.; Yarovoi, S.; Spies, H.; Pietzsch, H.-J.; Stephan, H.; Kraus, W.

  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    Topical Meeting of the European Ceramic Society “Nanostuctures & Nanocomposites”, 05.-07.07.2004, St. Petersburg, Russia


Interaction of Polyoxotungstates with Aminosaccharide Based Sorbents: Sorption Kinetics, Complex Stability and Implications for the Therapeutic Application of Polyoxotungstates

Jelínek, L.; Krotká, P.; Burda, R.; Parschová, H.; Matejka, Z.; Sawatzki, A.-K.; Röllich, A.; Stephan, H.

  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    XVIVth International Symposium “Ars Separatoria 2004”, 10.-13.06.2004, Potok, Poland
  • Beitrag zu Proceedings
    Proceedings of the XIXth International Symposium “Ars Separatoria 2004”, 86-88


Improved Binding of Polyoxotungstates by Polysaccharides

Röllich, A.; Stephan, H.


Improved Binding of Polyoxotungstates by Polysaccharides

  • Sonstiger Vortrag
    Institutskolloquium, Institute of Chemical Technology Prag, 27.05.2004, Prag, Czech Republic


Dendritic encapsulation of rhenium and copper

Stephan, H.

  • Eingeladener Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    Supraphone-Meeting, 06.-08.05.2004, Xanten, Germany


Käfigstrukturen für die nuklearmedizinische Diagnostik

Kraus, W.; Stephan, H.; Spies, H.; Reck, G.

  • Poster
    Gemeinsame Jahrestagung DGK und DGKK, Jena, 15.-19.03.2004


Numerical Simulation of Coolant Mixing at the ROCOM Test Facility with CFX-5

Höhne, T.; Kliem, S.; Rohde, U.


The work was aimed at the experimental investigation and numerical simulation of coolant mixing in the downcomer and the lower plenum of pressurized water reactors (PWR). For the investigation of the relevant mixing phenomena, the Rossendorf test facility ROCOM has been designed. ROCOM is a 1:5 scaled Plexiglas model of a German PWR (Fig. 1) allowing conductivity measurements by wire mesh sensors and velocity measurements by LDA technique. Due to the fact, that the mixing is dominated by turbulent mechanisms, it is assumed that the concentration field of a tracer solution can model both boron concentration and temperature fields. The salt significantly changes the conductivity of the water what can be measured by conductance methods. In the facility, so called wire mesh sensors are applied. The measured conductivities were transferred to a mixing scalar Qx,y,z(t) representing the contribution of the coolant from the disturbed loop to the mixture at the given position x,y,z.

It is calculated from the local instantaneous conductivity sx,y,z(t) by relating it to the amplitude of the conductivity range in the inlet nozzle of the disturbed loop.

Recent experiments at ROCOM, together with data on mixing obtained at the Vattenfall test facility; the Russian VVER-1000 mock-up and measurements at the VVER-440 NPP in Paks (Hungary) are integrated into the research project FLOMIX-R within the 5th Framework Programme of EC. The objective of the project is to obtain complementary and confirmatory data on slug mixing using improved measurement techniques with enhanced resolution in space and time. The experimental data will be used to contribute to the validation of CFD codes for the analysis of turbulent mixing problems. A few benchmark problems based on selected experiments will be used justify the application of various turbulence and turbulent mixing models for various flow conditions, to suppress numerical diffusion and to decrease grid, time step and user effects in the CFD analyses.

The CFD calculations were carried out with the CFD-code CFX-5. The ERCOFTAC Best Practice Guidelines, which have been specified for nuclear reactor safety calculations within the ECORA project, have been used when making sensitivity tests for: computational mesh, numerical schemes, convergence criteria, time step, boundary positions, boundary conditions, internal geometry modelling and turbulence models.
Based on these tests the production mesh was created and the final CFD calculations were performed.

In the case of stationary mixing (4 loop operation), the maximum value of the averaged mixing scalar in the downcomer (Fig. 2) and at the core inlet was found in the sector below the inlet nozzle, where the tracer was injected. There is a good agreement between the measurement and the CFD calculation, esp. in the averaged global mixing scalar at the core inlet (Fig. 3). In the calculation the maximum mixing scalar gives the same value at the peak in the same region compared to the experiment (94%).

For turbulent flows the CFD-Code CFX-5 were validated and can be used in reactor safety analysis. Due to the good agreement between measured results and the corresponding CFD-calculations efficient modules for the coupling of thermal hydraulic computer codes with three-dimensional neutron-kinetic models using the results of this work can be developed. A better description of the mixing processes inside the RPV is the basis of a more realistic safety assessment.

Keywords: Boron Dilution; CFD; PWR; Coolant Mixing

  • Beitrag zu Proceedings
    22nd CAD-FEM Users’ Meeting 2004, International Congress on FEM Technology with ANSYS CFX & ICEM CFD, 10.-12.11.2004, Dresden, Germany, Conference Proceedings 2.6.26
  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    22nd CAD-FEM Users’ Meeting 2004, International Congress on FEM Technology with ANSYS CFX & ICEM CFD, 12.11.2004, Dresden, Germany


Strangeness and charm in QCD matter

Kämpfer, B.; Bluhm, M.


Strangeness and charm degrees of freedom in strongly interacting matter are discussed within a quasi-particle model adjusted to lattice QCD data. While strangeness is found to appear as copious as the other light quark and gluon excitations, the charm quarks are thermally suppressed.
The model allows to extrapolate lattice QCD data to large baryo-chemical potential.
We outline the thermal evolution of matter in the early universe at and slightly after confinement and comment briefly on charm dynamics in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.

Keywords: strangeness; charm; strongly interacting matter; QCD

  • Journal of Physics G - Nuclear and Particle Physics 31(2005)6, 1141-1145
  • Eingeladener Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    Strangness in Quark Matter 2004, 15.-20.09.2004, Cape Town, South Africa


Application of Several Physics Environments for a Coupled Simulation of Pressure Vessel Creep Failure Experiments

Willschütz, H.-G.; Altstadt, E.


For the calculation of experiments simulating the behavior of the lower head of a nuclear power station in case of a core meltdown scenario like FOREVER (performed at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm) it is necessary to model the melt pool convection and the temperature field within the vessel as well as creep and plasticity processes. Therefore a 2D Finite Element Model with 3 different physics environments is developed based on the code ANSYS® Multiphysics.
A thermal environment was build up including planar and contact elements for conductive heat transfer, additional surface elements to simulate convection and radiation from outer surface areas and a radiation matrix to account for internal radiative heat exchange. Normally a CFD-simulation would have been required for the natural convective heat transfer in the melt pool, but at very high internal Rayleigh numbers no turbulence model is capable for a correct simulation. Therefore an Effective Conductivity Convectivity Model (ECCM) was developed to simulate the heat transfer from the melt pool to its environment.
The resulting temperature field of the vessel wall is applied to the mechanical model. To describe the visco-plastic deformation a numerical creep data base (CDB) is developed where the creep strain rate is evaluated in dependence on the current total strain, temperature and equivalent stress. In this way the use of a single creep law, which employs constants derived from the data for a limited stress and temperature range, is avoided. For an evaluation of the failure times a damage model according to an approach of Lemaitre is applied.
The third physics environment is a kind of fictitious physics environment: it uses hyperelasticity and contact to move the melt pool along with the creeping vessel wall.
In this paper problems on the numerical side are explained and differences between the results of a simple coupled and a kinematically coupled FE-simulation are highlighted. The final comparison with the experiments shows that the kinematically coupled model is closer to reality than the single step model.

Keywords: Fully Coupled Physics Environments; Effective Conductivity Convectivity Model; Creep and Plasticity of Pressure Vessel Steel

  • Beitrag zu Proceedings
    22nd CAD-FEM Users’ Meeting 2004, International Congress on FEM Technology with ANSYS CFX & ICEM CFD, 10.-12.11.2004, Dresden, Germany, paper 1.1.13
  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    22nd CAD-FEM Users Meeting 2004, International Congress on FEM Technology with ANSYS CFX & ICEM CFD, 10.-12.11.2004, Dresden, Germany


Decay of 1+ states as a new probe of the structure of 0+ shape isomers

Rusev, G.; Schwengner, R.; Dönau, F.; Frauendorf, S.; Käubler, L.; Kostov, L. K.; Mallion, S.; Schilling, K. D.; Wagner, A.; von Garrel, H.; Kneissl, U.; Kohstall, C.; Kreutz, M.; Pitz, H. H.; Scheck, M.; Stedile, F.; von Brentano, P.; Jolie, J.; Linnemann, A.; Pietralla, N.; Werner, V.


The nuclides 98Mo and100Mo have been studied in photon-scattering experiments by using bremsstrahlung produced from electron beams with energies from 3.2 to 3.8 MeV. Six dipole transitions in 98Mo and 19 in 100Mo were observed for the first time in the energy range from 2 to 4 MeV.
A specific feature in both nuclides is the deexcitation of one state with spin J = 1 to the 0+ ground state as well as to the first excited 0+ state, which cannot be explained in standard models. We present a model based on one-particle-one-hole excitations, which allows us to deduce the mixing amplitudes for the two 0+ shape-isomeric states from the experimental ratio of the transition strengths from the J = 1 state to the 0+ ground state and to the 0+ excited state.

Keywords: photon scattering; J=1 states; shape isomers; mixing amplitudes

  • Physical Review Letters 95(2005), 062501


Test Measurements of a new TESLA Cavity Beam Position Monitor at the ELBE Linac

Sargsyan, V.; Schreiber, H. J.; Evtushenko, P.; Schurig, R.


A new type of a cavity BPM proposed for beam position determination along the TESLA linac was tested at the accelerator ELBE in Rossendorf / Dresden. Measurements using an improved BPM (large and stable cross-talk isolation, signicantly less energy dissipation, a novel LO signal generation) were performed in single- and multi-bunch regimes. Agreement with expectations was found. The low bunch charge available allowed for preliminary measurements on sensitivity and position resolution, which extrapolated to TESLA would full the demands for precise bunch-to-bunch position determination. Possible improvements, in particular on the signal processing scheme, are also discussed.

  • Bericht, sonstiger
    2004 TESLA Reports, Papers from the TESLA collaboration September 2004


Medium effects on phi-meson production in near threshold proton-nucleus collisions

Zetenyi, M.; Barz, H.-W.


We study the cross section of phi-meson production in proton-nucleus collisions. The decay width of the phi-meson is affected by the change of the masses of the phi, K+, K- mesons in medium. A strong attractive K_ potential leads to a broadening of the phi-meson, which results in a measurable change of the behavior of the cross section as a function of the target mass.

Keywords: proton-nucleus collisions; in-medium effects; antikaon potential

  • Beitrag zu Proceedings
    18th International Nuclear Physics Divisional Conference, 23.-29.08.2004, Praha, Czech Republic
  • Nuclear Physics A 749(2005), 174


On the integral equation approach and some related inverse problems in MHD

Xu, M.; Gerbeth, G.; Gundrum, T.; Stefani, F.


Solving the induction equation has become a synonym for kinematic dynamo studies. We present an alternative integral equation method to solve steady and time-dependent kinematic dynamo problems. This method, which relies on Biot-Savart's law, can be efficiently used to handle dynamos in arbitrary domains, for example in rectangular geometry and finite cylinders. The approach serves also as the basis for various inverse problems in MHD at small and large magnetic Reynolds numbers. The solution of such inverse problems is illustrated by the "Contactless inductive flow tomography" and by the inference of flow features in the Riga dynamo experiment from externally measured magnetic field data.

  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    Perm Dynamo Days, 07.-11.02.2005, Perm, Russia


Have we understood the Riga dynamo?

Stefani, F.; Gerbeth, G.; Gailitis, A.; Lielausis, O.; Platacis, E.


The experimental campaigns at the Riga sodium facility, carried out from November 1999 until recently, have brought about a wealth of data on the kinematic and the saturation regime of this hydromagnetic dynamo. In the kinematic regime, the measured growth rates and frequencies of the eigenfield differ from the numerical predictions only by a few per cent. A qualitative understanding of the saturation regime can be well achieved within a simple one-dimensional model of downward braking of the azimuthal velocity component by the Lorentz forces. This model can be refined by taking into account the Lorentz force driven flow in the outermost cylinder. We summarize our present understanding of the Riga experiment, and comment on some open questions.

  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    Perm Dynamo Days, 07.-11.02.2005, Perm, Russia


New measurements of magnetic fields, pressure and velocity at the Riga dynamo experiment

Gailitis, A.; Lielausis, O.; Platacis, E.; Gerbeth, G.; Gundrum, T.; Stefani, F.


In May 2004, the sixth experimental campaign has been carried out at the Riga dynamo facility. Besides the refined magnetic field measurements, we present pressure data recorded in the innermost cylinder and the first successful measurement of velocities in the outermost cylinder by ultrasonic Doppler velocimetry (UDV). The pressure data exhibit clear signals of the double and quadruple of the magnetic eigenmode frequency. The velocity UDV measurements confirm the numerical prediction that the Lorentz forces produce a global rotation and a double poloidal vortex in the outermost cylinder. We comment also on the demands and the prospects for future experimental campaigns.

  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    Perm Dynamo Days, 07.-11.02.2005, Perm, Russia


Proposal for a Taylor-Dean experiment to investigate the magnetorotational instability

Gerbeth, G.; Stefani, F.


The magnetorotational instability (MRI) is one of the most promising candidates to explain why accretion disks, which exhibit a Keplerian flow profile and should therefore be hydrodynamically stable, allow for a rate of angular transport which cannot be attributed to the molecular viscosity of the disk. Like the dynamo effect, MRI occurs only at large magnetic Reynolds numbers, making its laboratory investigation rather expensive. Recently, there are strong activities to study MRI in a liquid metal Taylor-Couette flow, and it might be that MRI has already been found in a spherical Couette flow of liquid sodium. We propose an alternative experimental configuration which is based on the Taylor-Dean flow. This flow is a combination of the usual cylindrical Couette flow and an additional Dean flow which is driven by an azimuthal force. This force can be realized in the form of an externally applied pressure gradient or, more elegantly, by a Lorentz force due to a radial current and an axial magnetic field. Our main idea is that, for a well adjusted ratio of Dean flow to Taylor-Couette flow, one gets an angular velocity that is decreasing with the radius and an angular momentum that is increasing with the radius, hence a situation that is prone to the study of MRI. Our main focus is on a particular configuration in which the outer and inner cylinders rotate at the same angular velocity. Evidently, this would simplify the mechanical part of the experiment dramatically. We find that, for sufficiently small values of the ratio of inner to outer radius, such an experiment seems indeed feasible.

  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    Perm Dynamo Days, 07.-11.02.2005, Perm, Russia


The beauty of spherically symmetric alpha2-dynamos: Exceptional points, oscillations, and chaotic reversals

Günther, U.; Gerbeth, G.; Stefani, F.


For dynamo theory, the spherically symmetric alpha^2-dynamo represents a similar paradigm as the harmonic oscillator does for quantum mechanics. For alpha(r)=const, the spectrum is rather boring due to the self-adjointness of the dynamo operator. However, the spectral properties become more interesting if we allow alpha to vary with the radius. We illustrate the spectral behaviour of those dynamos, including such features as exceptional points, level crossings and avoided level crossings. Then we focus on truly oscillatory dynamos which have been identified only recently. When including a simple alpha-quenching back-reaction and some random fluctuation of alpha, these dynamos exhibit a quite similar time behaviour as the geodynamo, including chaotic reversals and asymmetric polarity transitions.

  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    Perm Dynamo Days, 07.-11.02.2005, Perm, Russia


Ion beam analysis and computer simulation of damage accumulation in nitrogen implanted 6H-SiC: effects of channeling

Zolnai, Z.; Ster, A.; Khanh, N. Q.; Kotai, E.; Posselt, M.; Battistig, G.; Lohner, T.; Gyulai, J.


500 keV nitrogen implantations at different tilt angles (0o, 0.5o, 1.2o, 1.6o, 4o) with respect to the c-axis of 6H-SiC were carried out. Radiation damage distributions have been investigated by Backscattering Spectrometry combined with channeling technique (BS/C) using 3550 keV 4He+ ion beam. A comparative simultaneous evaluation of the damage depth distributions in the Si and C sublattices of 6H-SiC led to a <0001>-channeling to random correction factor of 0.8 in the electronic stopping power of 4He+ ions. Full-cascade Crystal-TRIM simulations with the same set of damage accumulation model parameters could reconstruct the measured shapes and heights of damage distributions for all implantation tilt angles. Secondary defect generation effects in addition to the primary point defect accumulation were assumed in the analysis.

Keywords: Silicon Carbide; Channeling; Electronic Stopping Power; Radiation Defects; Backscattering Spectrometry; Computer Simulation

  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    5th European Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ECSCRM 2004), 31.08.-04.09.2004, Bologna, Italy


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