Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Neutronics Benchmark of CEFR Start-Up Tests: Control rods worths results

Levchenko , A.; Duginov , O.; Fridman, E.; Hyuck Won , J.; Lopez , R.; Dařílek , P.; Seubert , A.; Choe , J.; Taninaka , H.; Batki , B.; Visan , I.; Moise , A.; Kunhiraman , D.; Sciora , P.; Davies , U.; Huo , X.; Quoc Tran , T.; Malovytsia , M.


Paper considers results of control rods worth calculation tests which have been done in IAEA coordinate research project (CRP) of China Experimental Fast Reactor (CEFR). Obtained results of more than 20 participants from 17 countries include neutronic calculations by using deterministic and stochastic codes. During RCM these results been compared by method of calculation and between it.
Calculation performed for all types of control rods used in CEFR as “light” for power control and “heavy” rods for shutdown and fuel burning compensation. Summary values of k-eff and rods worth are closed to each other, of course the some difference can be seen in comparison of two different methods of calculation but, in general, this difference not more 2 percent. For light rods relative deviation from average value is not more 10 % mostly. For heavy rods such deviation is not more 5%. Considering calculation results for group rods worth can be saying that difference between codes not more 2% in most cases.

  • Contribution to proceedings
    International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles (FR21), 19.-22.04.2022, Vienna, Austria


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