Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

⁶⁰Fe deposition during the late Pleistocene and the Holocene echoes supernova activity

Wallner, A.; Feige, J.; Fifield, K.; Froehlich, M. B.; Golser, R.; Hotchkis, M. A. C.; Koll, D.; Leckenby, G.; Martschini, M.; Merchel, S.; Panjkov, S.; Pavetich, S.; Rugel, G.; Tims, S. G.


Nuclides synthesized in massive stars are ejected into space via their stellar winds and in supernova explosions. The Solar System moves through the interstellar medium and collects some of these nucleosynthesis products. One such product is ⁶⁰Fe, a radionuclide with 2.6 million years half-life, that is predominantly produced in massive stars and ejected in supernova explosions. Extraterrestrial ⁶⁰Fe has been found on Earth, suggesting close-by supernova explosions ~2–3 and ~6 million years ago. Here, we report on the detection of a continuous interstellar ⁶⁰Fe-influx on Earth over the past ~33,000 years. This time period coincides with passage of our Solar System through such interstellar clouds, which have a significantly larger particle density compared to the local average interstellar medium embedding our Solar System for the past few million years. The interstellar ⁶⁰Fe was extracted from five deep-sea sediment samples and accelerator mass spectrometry was used for single atom counting. Despite the low number of 19 detected atoms, owing to a low influx, the ⁶⁰Fe-deposition rate does not indicate large variations over the 33,000 years. The measured approximately constant ⁶⁰Fe-time profile does not seem to reflect any large changes in the interstellar particle density during Earth’s passage through local interstellar clouds, that could be expected if the local cloud represented an isolated remnant of the most recent Supernova ejecta that traversed the Earth ~2–3 million years ago. The identified ⁶⁰Fe influx may signal a late echo of some million-year old supernovae with the ⁶⁰Fe-bearing dust particles still permeating the interstellar medium.

Keywords: AMS; supernova

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