RES³T - Rossendorf Expert System for Surface and Sorption Thermodynamics

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Surface Complex Formation Data:

Mineral: Birnessite
Reference: PPS04
SCM Type: CC - Constant Capacitance
Ligand: Ga<3+> - gallium
Site Type: »Mn-OH
Equation: »Mn-OH + Ga<3+> + 5 H2O  ⇔  »Mn-H8GaO6 + 3 H<1+>
LogK: 0.25 ± 0.15         LogK°I=0 (Conversion to I = 0):   0.25         LogK2.31 nm−2 (SSD-normalized):   -0.09
Experiment: Batch Sorption Experiments
Ionic Strength: 0.0 mol/L
Temperature: 298.15 K
pH Range: 2 - 12
Ligand Concentration Range: 1E-6; 9.5E-6 mol/L
Fit Method: MINTEQA2
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