RES³T - Rossendorf Expert System for Surface and Sorption Thermodynamics

Show Detailed Complexation Query Results

Surface Complex Formation Data:

Mineral: Manganite
Reference: MD01b
SCM Type: NE - Non-electrostatic
Ligand: Zn<2+> - zinc
Site Type: Mn
Equation: »Mn-OH + Zn<2+>  ⇔  »Mn-O-Zn<1+> + H<1+>
LogK: 7.78        LogK°I=0 (Conversion to I = 0):   7.91
Experiment: Potentiometric Titration
Ionic Strength: 0.01 mol/L KNO3
pH Range: 8
Fit Method:
Comment: 0.001M HCO3- in equilibrium with 0.05% CO2 in N2; maximum adsorption capacity for Zn 0.7 mol/kg; manganite synthesized and characterized by [F95]; voltammetry; no site density and surface protolysis data
1 data sets were retrieved