RES³T - Rossendorf Expert System for Surface and Sorption Thermodynamics

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Binding Site Data:

Mineral: amorphous Silica
Reference: GCS02
SCM Type: CC - Constant Capacitance   (C1: 7.0 F/m2)
Ionic Strength:
Site Type: »Si-OH
pK2: 6.94   
Site Density in nm-2:
Original Site Density: 0.0005 mol / L solution
Solid/Liquid Ratio in g/L:
pH Range:
Temperature in K: 298.15
Method for Site Density: Literature
Method for Protolysis:Literature
Fit Method:GRFIT
Comment: in the study: »Si-(OH)2; logarithmic deprotonation constant of the silica surface was assumed to be 6.94 in accordance with the literature; total conc. of surface sites [»Si-(OH)2]tot = 0.51 mM [O95b]; »Si-(OH)2 is a hypothetical average surface adsorption site: »Si-(OH)2 = »SiO2H<1-> + H<1+>
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