RES³T - Rossendorf Expert System for Surface and Sorption Thermodynamics

Show Detailed Site Query Results

Binding Site Data:

Mineral: Gibbsite
Reference: KD10
SCM Type: DDL - Diffuse Double Layer
Ionic Strength: 0.0 mol/L of
Site Type: »Al-OH
PZC: 9.0
pK1: 7.17 pK1°I=0 (Conversion to I = 0): 7.17 pK12.31 nm−2 (normalized): 7.71
pK2: 11.18 pK2°I=0 (Conversion to I = 0): 11.18 pK22.31 nm−2 (normalized): 10.64
Site Density in nm-2: 8.0000
Original Site Density: 8.0 sites / nm² surface
Solid/Liquid Ratio in g/L: 30.0
pH Range: 4-10
Temperature in K: 298.15
Method for Site Density: Mean of Different Sources
Method for Protolysis:Best Estimate
Fit Method:FITEQL
Comment: without consideration of gibbsite dissolution, suspension concentrations up to 30 g/L yielded good fits, weighted averages for pK1 and pK2, confidence level 95%; SSD based on values reported in the literature and by trial fitting of available acid-base titration data, value is consistent with crystaalographic determinations of SSD, PPZC=1/2(pK1+pK2)=9.17 is within the reported range of measured values and close to the average value of 9.0 for reported values
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