RES³T - Rossendorf Expert System for Surface and Sorption Thermodynamics

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Binding Site Data:

Mineral: Kaolinite
Reference: SLW87
SCM Type: CC - Constant Capacitance   (C1: 2.2 F/m2)
Ionic Strength: 0.0 mol/L of NaClO4
Site Type: »Al-OH
pK1: 4.37 pK1°I=0 (Conversion to I = 0): 4.37 pK12.31 nm−2 (normalized): 4.38
pK2: 9.18 pK2°I=0 (Conversion to I = 0): 9.18 pK22.31 nm−2 (normalized): 9.17
Site Density in nm-2: 2.3616
Original Site Density: 0.00004 mol / g solid
Solid/Liquid Ratio in g/L:
pH Range: 4-9
Temperature in K: 298.15
Method for Site Density: Literature
Method for Protolysis:Potentiometric Titration
Fit Method:FITEQL
Comment: I=0.01 - 1 M, values extrapolated to I=0; total site density from [SK68] = 5.55E-5 mol/g; citation by [V03]; ion exchange: weakly acidic sites which are able to undergo ion exchange with both Na+ and M2+ ions =XH + Na+ = =XNa + H+; =SH can bind and release protons and assumed to bind Na+ by forming a weak outer sphere complex SONa
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