RES³T - Rossendorf Expert System for Surface and Sorption Thermodynamics

Details Sample Characterization

Mineral: Illite
Reference: MBLMD15
Trade Name: Illite du Puy
Deposit: lacustrine continental sediments deposited at the Upper Eocene (~ 35 Ma) in the basin of Le Puy en Velay (Massif Central, France)
Preparation: grinding and sieving the raw material; equilibrated in a formate buffer solution (0.05 M formic acid and 0.05M Na-formate in 1 M NaCl, pH ~3.5) at a mass to volume ratio (m/V) of 100 g/L for 4 h by gentle magnetic stirring. The solid phase was separated by centrifugation (500 g for 5 min), re-suspended in 1M NaCl and equilibrated overnight (gentle magnetic stirring). This washing procedure was applied three times. After removing 80–85% of the liquid phase, the settled suspension was transferred into dialysis tubes and dialyzed against MilliQ water. The external solution was replaced twice daily, until no NaCl was detectable in the external solution (checked by adding AgNO3); freeze-dried
Composition: 7 wt.% Fe2O3
Sample characterized via: ☑ X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
☑ X-ray Diffraction (XRD)
Comment: provided within the EC project CP CatClay; Fe/Al ratio = 0.21
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