RES³T - Rossendorf Expert System for Surface and Sorption Thermodynamics

Details Sample Characterization

Mineral: Kaolinite
Reference: LAFAH18
Supplier: Clay Minerals Society Source Clays Repository
Trade Name: KGa-2 (Kaolinite, high defect, Warren County, Georgia, USA)
Preparation: ground using a mortar and pestle, passed through a 100-mesh sieve, and then stored in plastic bottles for subsequent use. The clay minerals were prepared following a procedure similar to that used by Gu et al. (2010): clay minerals were washed three times by first soaking for 2 h in a 1 M NaCl solution at a pH of 3.0, then centrifuged at 8,100 g for 10 min to pellet the clay mineral powders, and the supernatant pH was measured between each wash to ensure the supernatant solution pH value had dropped to 3. If pH 3 had not been reached, additional acid washes were performed. The clay minerals were then washed once in non-acidified solutions of 1 M NaCl, gradually decreasing the ionic strength from 1.0 to 0.56 to saturate the clay minerals with Na+. After the final three washes in 0.56 M NaCl, the clay minerals were oven dried at 65°C for 48 h, and stored in sealed centrifuge tubes for later use.
CEC: 3.3 meq/100g
1 data sets were retrieved