RES³T - Rossendorf Expert System for Surface and Sorption Thermodynamics

Details Sample Characterization

Mineral: Smectite
Reference: H17
Deposit: El Cortijo de Archidona (Almería, Spain).
CEC: 102.0 ± 4.0 meq/100g
Purity: 93 %
Sample characterized via: ☑ X-ray Diffraction (XRD)
Comment: Smectite formula given in the reference: [Si7.73Al0.27][Al2.69Fe0.39Mg0.85Ti0.01]O20(OH)4{X+1.2K+0.09}

Smectite clay was obtained from FEBEX bentonite which comes from El Cortijo de Archidona (Almería, Spain).

FEBEX bentonite is composed by 93% smectite, 2% quartz, 3% plagioclase, 1% cristobalite and traces of calcite, potassium feldspar and tridymite.

CEC from Huertas F, Fuentes-Santillana JL, Jullien F, Rivas P, Linares J, Fariña P, Ghoreychi M, Jockwer N, Kickmaier W, Martínez M., Samper J, Alonso E, Elorza FJ. 2000. FEBEX project final report. EUR 19147. Madrid (Spain).
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