RES³T - Rossendorf Expert System for Surface and Sorption Thermodynamics

Details Sample Characterization

Mineral: Bentonite
Reference: IST08
Supplier: Kunimine Industry Co. Ltd.
Trade Name: Kunipia F
Preparation: bentonite dispersed with 2 g/L of S:L ratio in 1E-03 mol/L NaCl or Na2S2O4 solutions; 2 different methods used to obtain a bentonite colloid solution: 1) sedimentation, 2) centrifugation
CEC: 115.0 meq/100g
Composition: contains about 99% of smectite, small amount of quartz and calcite
Comment: bentonite colloids were investigated; purified bentonite was Kunipia F from Kunimine Co. Ltd.; CEC measured in Oda and Shibata 1999, JNC Technical Report, JNC TN8400 99-032 [in Japanese]
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