HIBEF User Consortium Documents

Details of HIBEF UserConsortium group # 43.

  • Basic information of group and PI
  • Institute or Division Uppsala
    Name of PI Hajdu
    Number of scientists 8
    Number of students 6
    Number of theses 6
    Number of experiments 10

  • Scientific interests
  • Dynamics in Materials and Biomolecules, Warm Dense Matter

  • Members of group
  • ID Forename Surname
    370 Alessandro Zani
    248 Jakob Andreasson
    442 Johan Bielecki
    443 Aswari Rath
    444 Marvin Seibert
    159 Janos Hajdu
    445 Filipe Maia
    446 Tomas Ekeberg
    447 Carl Nettelblad
    448 Daniel Westphal

  • Contributions (generic categories)
  • Sample Equipment under detailed consideration or in development, see actual contribution

  • Institution details
  • ID of institution 40
    Short name of Institution U Uppsala
    Full name of Institution
    Country Sweden
    City Uppsala
    Street Olofsgatan 10B
    ZIP 753 12

  • Details about actively developed contributions
  • Aerosol Sample Injector System of skimmers to provide beam of nanoscopic samples with random distribution but selectable density.

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