RES³T - Rossendorf Expert System for Surface and Sorption Thermodynamics

Details Sample Characterization

Mineral: Ferrihydrite
Reference: PSDW92
Supplier: Unknown
Trade Name: W2
Preparation: core from Koongarra location W2, depth 14.0-14.2 m, 426 µg/g U
Comment: sample assumed to be ferrihydrite for modeling although mineralogy dominated by kaolinite !; minor component mica; altered chlorite; color yellow/brown; iron as coating on clay particles and as abundant fine particles about 1µm in size; SEM/EDS: peaks of Si and Al; 80.6 mg/g Fe, 173.8 mg/g Al, 5.2 mg/g Mg, 3 mg/g Ti, 12.2 mg/g K; fine fraction for adsorption experiments and characterization obtained using sieving and sedimentation
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