CIS - Motivation and aim of the CIS

Foto: CIS_Hauptbild ©Copyright: Peter Boelens

Source: Peter Boelens

Motivation: The Center of Interface Studies is dedicated to understanding fundamental processes at interfaces. It brings together the diverse interface expertise from various research areas and institutes of the HZDR, including the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF), the Institute of Fluid Dynamics (IFD), the Institute of Resource Ecology (IRE) and the Central Department of Research Technology (FWF). The center uses the competencies and modern methods of the HZDR and deals with both specific and overarching scientific interfacial phenomena. By bringing together the wide-ranging expertise and various methods, it provides a central point of contact for future external cooperation partners.

Aim: The CIS wants to use these synergies for the joint development and optimization of analytical and spectroscopic interface measurement technology. These will be combined with numerical simulations and modeling approaches. Overall, this enables access to a wide range of phenomena at solid/liquid, gas/liquid, liquid/liquid and three-phase contacts, as the interface scale is a key to the fundamental understanding of processes on a technological scale. Relevant processes include, for example, adsorption, interfacial rheology, wetting, corrosion, heat and mass transfer. Important systems are surfactants, biomolecules, minerals and surface structures. Within these wide-ranging applications, new opportunities for innovative interfacial research arise from the interdisciplinary technical expertise of the participating institutes, Dresden Concept and the Helmholtz Association. The increasing international visibility will not only promote cooperation at national and international level, but also the recruitment, training and promotion of talented young scientists.