Our latest press releases and news


Metamaterials for the data highway: A new concept offering the potential for more efficient data storage

Press Release of 16.07.2024

Researchers from the HZDR, TU Chemnitz, TU Dresden and Forschungszentrum Jülich have been the first to demonstrate that not just individual bits, but entire bit sequences can be stored in cylindrical domains: tiny, cylindrical areas measuring just around 100 nanometers. As the team reports in the journal Advanced Electronic Materials (DOI: 10.1002/aelm.202400251), these findings could pave the way for novel types of data storage and sensors, including even magnetic variants of neural networks.


Aufbruch in die Quantenwelt: Forschungsmagazin „entdeckt“ gibt Einblick in die faszinierende Welt der Quantenforschung

News of 17.06.2024

Unter dem Motto „Quanten2025 – die Zukunft wissenschaftlich und technologisch gestalten“ feiert die Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) im nächsten Jahr den 100. Geburtstag der Quantenmechanik. 1925 entwickelten Werner Heisenberg und weitere Physiker*innen den Ansatz für eine konsistente Theorie, die mittlerweile als die am besten per Experiment überprüfte Theorie der Physik gilt.


First funding from the German Research Foundation for CASUS

News of 10.06.2024

When designing advanced materials for applications in energy, electronics, and biotechnology, two-dimensional materials (2DM) are considered particularly promising. Developing novel synthetic 2DMs was the scope of the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 1415 “Chemistry of Synthetic Two-Dimensional Materials” that started in July 2020.


Properly exploring and controlling matter - Sebastian F. Maehrlein transfers to HZDR

News of 31.05.2024

On June 1, 2024, physicist Sebastian F. Maehrlein will commence his professorship in high-field terahertz physics at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR). In a joint appointment with the TU Dresden, he will head the High-Field THz-driven Phenomena group at the Institute of Radiation Physics at the HZDR.


Two times top-level research

Press Release of 30.04.2024

The Helmholtz Association awarded Dr. Lukas Körber and Dr. Anna Vanderbruggen its doctoral prizes in the fields of matter and energy in Berlin on Monday, April 29. They received the prizes for their outstanding doctoral theses, which they completed at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology at HZDR. In her research approach, Vanderbruggen uses a proven method to return the graphite from used batteries, which has hardly been recycled to date, to the material cycle. Körber's work contributes to a deeper understanding of magnetic spin waves, which are significant for various future technologies.


Magnetic with a pinch of hydrogen: Research team develops new idea to improve the properties of ultra-thin materials

Press Release of 22.04.2024

Magnetic two-dimensional materials consisting of one or a few atomic layers have only recently become known and promise interesting applications, for example for the electronics of the future. So far, however, it has not been possible to control the magnetic states of these materials well enough. A German-American research team led by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and Dresden University of Technology (TUD) is now presenting in the journal Nano Letters (DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c04777) an innovative idea that could overcome this shortcoming - by allowing the 2D layer to react with hydrogen.


New Materials for Energy-Efficient AI: HZDR materials scientist receives prestigious ERC Advanced Grant

Press Release of 11.04.2024

Dr. Denys Makarov from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant in the amount of 2.5 million euros. Over the next five years, this funding will enable him and his team to investigate a promising class of materials known as multiferroics. The aim is to develop novel materials on the basis of which computer chips could work with much higher energy efficiency in particular for artificial intelligence (AI) applications.


Nanocubes as interpreters: German-French project aims to manipulate tiny magnets with light

Press Release of 10.04.2024

Spintronics is considered a seminal research field in physics. It promises faster electronic components, more delicate sensors, and new approaches for quantum computing. Nevertheless, fundamental questions remain to be answered. For example: How can spintronic components be easily and selectively manipulated with light? Starting in April, the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf (HZDR) and the Interdisciplinary Center of Nanoscience of Marseille (CINaM) will be looking for answers to these questions in their joint research project Nano-PLASMAG. The focus is on nanometer-sized, regularly shaped cubes of pure gold. They are intended to serve as "interpreters" and couple light as effectively as possible to nanomagnets in order to influence their state. The project is being funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the French National Research Agency (ANR) with half a million euros over three years.


How to keep data safe on the long run

Press Release of 04.04.2024

With the development of the internet, social media or cloud computing, the amount of data created worldwide on a daily basis is sky-rocketing. This calls for new technologies which could provide higher storage densities combined with secure long-term data archiving far beyond the capabilities of traditional data storage devices. An international research team led by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) now proposes a new concept of long-term data storage based on atomic-scale defects in silicon carbide, a semiconducting material. These defects are created by a focused ion beam, providing high spatial resolution, fast writing speed and low energy for storing a single bit.


EU project RIANA launched: A hub for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

News of 02.04.2024

More than 100 participants gathered on a hybrid meeting at DESY on March 14 and 15 to officially kick-off the new EU project RIANA. RIANA (standing for Research Infrastructure Access in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology) has officially been launched on March 1, 2024. The project aims to offer access to Europe’s leading facilities in nanoscience and nanotechnology that are at the heart of the development of new materials for prosperity and sustainability – including the Ion Beam Center (IBC) at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR).
