Networking doctoral students

The HZDR program for networking doctoral students promotes networking between the institutes and research areas of the HZDR from a strategic perspective. The funding program sees itself as an incubator with the aim of strengthening cross-method and cross-disciplinary cooperation in the long term and beyond the individual doctoral project. The different approaches to solving scientific problems in the various disciplines can lead to successful new approaches. For this reason, this program addresses and supports scientific projects that apply for funding for a doctoral position with a joint project proposal.

Selection criteria:

  • Scientifically original and original projects
  • Supervision from at least two institutes from different research areas, additional involvement of CASUS and/or a central department is possible
  • Inter-institutional, interdisciplinary, cross-research area topic
  • Fit with the program of the HZDR
  • Fulfillment of all usual conditions/criteria for doctorates at the HZDR


  • Max. three new doctoral theses per year; no more than ten in total at any one time
  • Doctoral candidates are supervised simultaneously by two institutes, one of which is the lead institute
  • 3-year central funding phase, longer doctoral period is financed by the institutes; in the event of termination, return of unspent funds
  • One call for applications per year on January 15, application deadline March 1, decision by April 1
  • Selection is made by the Scientific Director, who is advised by a commission.

Networking doctoral students: Topics and involved institutes

  • Neue Wege zur quantitativen und qualitativen Charakterisierung von Protactinium-231 in Umweltproben (since 2022)
    Janis Wolf (Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research/ Institute of Resource Ecology) 
  • Measurement of electric current distributions in process engineering reactors and particle tracking in flotation plants using inductive tomography (since 2022)
    Jan Schmidtpeter (Institute of Fluid Dynamics/ Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research) 
  • Nanocytometry as prognostic analysis in prostate cancer treated with radiotherapy (since 2023)
    Anja Madleine Markl (Institute of Radiooncology – OncoRay/ Institute of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research/ Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research)
  • MRiPT-SHIELD: Magnetic shielding for real-time magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) integrated proton therapy (PT) (since 2024)
    Emely Weichert (Institute of Radiooncology – OncoRay/ Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
  • Design eines multimodalen Liganden zur hochstabilen Komplexierung von Radionukliden der f-Elemente (since 2023)
    Rodrigo Castro Biondo (Institute of Resource Ecology/ Institute of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research)


Dr. Birgit Gross, International Collaboration and Research Funding
Phone: +49 351 260 3486 | Email: