8th GOOD Meeting 2024 - Geology of ore deposits

  • When: 17th - 18th March, 2024
  • Where: Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Chemnitzer Straße 40, 09599 Freiberg
  • Fee: 60 € for Bachelor and Master students, 125 € for others (This covers the costs of food and drinks during the meeting.)
  • Registration and Abstract deadline: 15th February 2024
  • Registration and Abstract submission via conference website
Foto: Flyer GOOD Meeting ©Copyright: HDR/HIF

Click to open the Flyer

We cordially invite young researchers in economic geology to the 8th GOOD Meeting at the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Ressource Technology (HIF). The meeting aims to connect young professionals working in Germany, including Bachelor, Master, and PhD students, as well as early career postdocs. It will provide an informal opportunity for participants to discuss their research and ideas with others working on similar topics. The keynote presentation will be given by Dr. Joe Magnall from the GFZ in Potsdam, who will give us an introduction to the geology of the European Kupferschiefer deposits. This will also serve as an introductory talk for the accompanying field trip!


  • Ice breaker: Sunday, 17th March 2024, Entrance Hall, Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Chemnitzer Str. 40, 09599 Freiberg
  • Talks, posters & discussions: 18th March 2024, 09:00 – 19:00h
  • Keynote Speaker: Dr. Joseph M. Magnall, GFZ Potsdam


We invite you to submit abstracts for oral or poster presentations. You can indicate your preferred presentation format in the online registration form.

Oral Presentations: Oral presentations are 12 minutes plus 3 minutes for questions.

Poster Presentations: Posters will be on display for the entire length of the conference. Please attend your poster during the poster sessions. The size of each poster must not exceed A0 portrait format (84.1 cm wide x 118.9 cm high).

Field Trip:

The annual excursion of the DMG working group will take place immediately after the GOOD-Meeting (19th to 21st / 22nd of March), and will visit Kupferschiefer sites across Germany and potentially Poland. Registration for this field trip will be through the same online registration form as for the conference. The number of participants will be limited (probably to ~15). If the field trip is oversubscribed, preference will be given to student participants of the GOOD meeting.

Important Note:

The meeting is supported by the DGGV and DMG. Students who are members of the DGGV / DMG, or become members during the meeting, and are not based in Freiberg may therefore be eligible for a travel grant to help them attend.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the organization team under 8th.good.meeting@gmail.com

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

The organizers – Marie Guilcher, Jan Cerny, Max Frenzel