Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

1 Publication

Description of rotating N=Z nuclei in terms of isovector pairing

Afanasjev, A. V.; Frauendorf, S.


A systematic investigation of the rotating N=Z even-even nuclei in the mass A=68-80 region has been performed within the frameworks of the cranked relativistic mean field, cranked relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov theories, and cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky approach. Most of the experimental data are well accounted for in the calculations. The present study suggests the presence of strong isovector np pair field at low spin, whose strength is defined by the isospin symmetry. At high spin, the isovector pair field is destroyed and the data are well described by the calculations assuming zero pairing. No clear evidence for the existence of the isoscalar t=0 np pairing has been obtained in the present investigation performed at the mean field level.

  • Physical Review C 71(2005), 064318


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